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Slapping someone, or spitting on someone are examples of simple assault in Canada.

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Q: What are some examples of simple assault?
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Assault or assault and battery what it mean?

'Assault' (sometimes called "simple assault" is an assault by unwanted touching using your hands or fists. 'Assault and Battery' means an unwanted touching using your hands using some striking object.

How long should a simple assault take to make an arrest?

there is no such thing as a simple assault

Aggravated assault simple assault harassment?

The electric chair.

Can a parolee be charged with violation of parole for a simple assault simply because they are accused of simple assault...Do they need to be convicted first?

A parolee can be violated by being in close proximity of the commission of the crime of simple assault. So, yes.

Is it better to a simple assault or domestic assault on your record?

It is better not to have any such assault on your record. Domestic assault is particularly distasteful, and is a very cowardly act.

What if you have simple assault on your record and get charged again with simple assault?

The odds are that you'll be treated more harshly by the court the second time around.

If found guilty with assault is it a felony or misdemeanor?

In most jurisdictions I am aware of "Simple" Assault (meaning assault with nothing but your hands or fists) is a misdemeanor. It can be charged as a more serious crime depending upon the seriousness of the injuries inflicted on the victim.

What are some simple examples of sliding friction?

sliding in a slide

What are some examples of a simple hair style?

There are very many simple hair styles. A bun or pony tail are examples of simple hairstyles. Also, leaving your hair down would be a very simple style.

Is assault by contact a misdemeanor?

By contact with WHAT? If by hand (e.g.- a 'slap" or a 'punch') yes, usually it is. In some jurisdictions this is called "Simple" Assault. HOWEVER, if something else is utilized in the striking (e.g.- ANY type of weapon - or even if you kick with a shoe) it becomes a felony assault, in some jurisdictions also known as "Assault with a Dangerous (or Deadly) Weapon."

Can you be charged with simple assault for a phone threat with no witnesses?

No, not 'simple assault.' A 'harrassment' or 'stalking' or "making telephonic threats' charge might be another matter though

Is a crime of assault in florida a crime of moral turpitude?

It may depend on the TYPE of assault being referred to. While Simple Assault is not, a Sexual Assault, or an Assault W/I to Kill (for example) certainly would be.