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Q: What are some examples of the lithosphere?
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What are the examples of lithosphere in science?

Just go outside and put your feet on the ground, that is an example of our lithosphere.

What are some interesting facts about the lithosphere?

The word Lithosphere means ball of stone

What are non examples of tectonic plate?

The ground you are standing on, i.e. the surface of a planet.

What are some examples of interaction between the lithosphere and biosphere?

So the lithosphere is the crust that we live on, and the hydrospehere is the layer of water/oceans etc. So if the lithospehere cracks, it sends magma up, into the hydrosphere. Also, search subduction zones. Hope this helps!

Can you give me some slogans on lithosphere?

lithosphere itself tells us that light the land do not make it barren

What are some abiotic factors of the lithosphere?


Examples of a sphere?

Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere

How hot is the lithosphere Celsius?

The lithosphere is extremely hot. The temperature of the lithosphere can reach around 600 degrees Celsius. Although this is the case in a general sense, some scientists argue that temperatures can reach up to 1200 degrees Celsius within the lithosphere.

How new oceanic lithosphere formed?

because stuff goes and hits some other stuff and.........BOOM..... oceanic lithosphere

Do the atmosphere hydrosphere and the lithosphere interact with each other?

Hydrosphere erodes a part of lithosphere and at the same time the atmosphere is constantly incorporating a part of hydrosphere via evaporation and dumping some of it in lithosphere. From the lithosphere, it is transported back to the hydrosphere and the cycle continues.

Why does oceanic lithosphere sink beneath convergent lithosphere at convergent boundaries?

As odd as it is to think of things this way, continental lithosphere is more buoyant than oceanic lithosphere. The oceanic lithosphere is more dense.