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This could include a lot of things but to mention a few: Willingly destroy tools, machinery or equipment owned by the company, slander the company or tell company secrets to others and competing businesses. You could also add, don't steal from your employer, don't tell him lies, don't try to harm the company in any way. These ideas may be general, but they are good rules to follow.

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Q: What are some examples that employees should never do to their employer?
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In Texas can an employer tell other employees your salary?

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Where does the state get its funding for unemployment?

Generally, through a payroll tax levied on the employer or by charging the employer for actual disbursements paid to those claimants from his company. The employees are never charged, however.

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If you mean can an employer compel an hourly employee to work without pay, then no, never. Hourly employees must be paid for all hours worked.

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An employer is never in a position to 'punish' an employee, and is in big legal trouble if he does it and the employee can prove it in court. No law restricts an employer's right to discipline employees with schedule changes. Employers face no court imposed liability for doing so. An employer can't 'make' his employees do anything. The employer can state the work assignment, and then each employee is free to choose among three options in response: 1). Comply, 2). Negotiate, 3). Walk.

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First of all, employers pay a payroll tax to the state based on number of employees, payroll amount and turnover rate of the employer, regardless of faults, for purposes of supplying benefits to workers who qualify for those benefits. Secondly, only the employers, never the employees, pay into the unemployment fund.

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Should an hourly employee get paid for professional development classes if they volunteered for the classes?

No Way! What kind of scam... Never mind. What I really mean is I am a developer. From my perspective unless you offered to pay them before hand I would say no. Usually if there is an incentive it is that the employer may offer to pay for the class not pay them hourly while taking it. What is next getting paid for dressing in the morning because the employer is the one who prefers dressed employees? Maybe one should get paid for eating lunch because the employer doesn't want the employee to die of starvation. Developing ones own skills is far more important to the employee than the employer, so why should the employer pay?

How can humanizing an organization make a difference in job satisfaction and output?

A good businessman with a company knows without a doubt he and his company will only succeed if he treats his employees on a more humane level and without breaking too many rules cares about the happiness of his employees (within reason) and realizes some may have problems in their person lives and need time off. When a business person sees their employees in a humane way and shows it; it is a proven fact that employer will get more satisfaction and input and well as output from their company. A company with a large turn-over of employees is a red flag that company is only interested in production and numbers. In all fairness all companies want to make a profit, but, it is proven many times an employee with a heart toward their employees does better than a employer who only sees his employees as 'there' and never really gets to see how his employees work for them. A smart employer should keep his fingers on the pulse of what really makes his company work .. the employees! If the company is extremely large then the employer can give bonus' for good work or perhaps a party once a year to personally congratulate his employees for the hard work they have put into the company.

What is the reasonfor leaving employer?

You should never lie about why you left a former employer, even if you were fired. Leaving for better advancement opportunities or to gain additional experience is always a good answer.

Is a previous employer allowed to tell a prospective employer that an employee was fired in IL?

It remains legal in every state to tell the factual truth about employees and former employees. "I fired Jim for attendance problems", can never be the basis for a defamation suit IF ... 1. I DID fire Jim, and 2. My reason was his absence record. Jim need not agree with my decision to make my statement factually correct.

Can an employer in a California office or plant search an employee's desk or locker or purse without the employee's permission?

It would depend on where you work. An employer should have a form of an 'employees handbook' which outlines the rules. In most jobs, an employer can search an employee's work area because that belongs to the employer, but a locker is usually a designated space of the employee and a purse is the private property of the employee. However, there are exceptions based on the security and safety requirements of the employer, that is why it would make a difference where you work and what the rules for employees are. It would make a big difference if you worked in a secure facility, or a place with hazards for the employee or the public. When you go to work for someone, you should be provided the rules that apply to your employment; if you've never received that, get it now. Remaining ignorant of the facts leaves you vulnerable to victimization. If you have the rules and know the rules and follow the rules, you will always know where you stand.