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managers should never date their employees. that just leads to a bad ending.

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Q: What is the relationship managers should have?
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The relationship between project managers and line managers is that the project managers divide the work among the line managers and the line managers report to the project managers.

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Yes, managers and non-managers should be appraised from the top and the bottom. This will help executive managers get a better idea of how they are performing.

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Managers SHOULD wear uniform or they look unprofessional.

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customer in the reason that organization exist, managing the customer relationship is the responsibility of managers and employees. managers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for innovation.

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power and ability have very little in common, other than that those who are powerful should be able to spot ability.

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Some relationship management skills include the ability to negotiate, the ability to communicate and the ability to be direct. With these skills you can easily manager your relationship with your customers.

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action should be taken by various functional managers to meet the scheduled dates

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Do hores jockeys have managers?

As hores do not exist they are unlikely to have jockeys or managers. Perhaps you should check your spelling.

Should all managers should be leaders but not all leaders should be managers?

well, the modern economies and businesses needs, is forcing all managers to act as leaders as well, though its nto neccessary for evry leader to manage any thing. but a person who is managing is supoposted to lead the team he is managing, create oppurtunity, discover potential, add vlaues, illustrate how can an improvement for some process to reflect on the bunisness? but leader are nto supposted to manage things, they have to leade and inspire the wider team, including managers. hope this answesrs your question Omar