

What are some exotic species in NC?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Some non native species currently residing here are:

Coyote (canis latrans)

Eurasian Collared Dove (streptopelia decaocto)

European Starling (sturnis vulgaris)

House Sparrow ( passer domesticus)

Common Carp (cyprinus carpio)

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What is the difference between and exotic and native species?

A native species originated from that area while an exotic species came from somewhere else.

Species introduced to new geographic locations?

New species are introduced into areas to either get rid of another animal e.g. the cane toad came to Australia to get rid of some kind of bug or and animal is accidentally taken to another country.

How are native species and exotic species alike?

they are alike

Why do exotic species displace native species?

Often the exotic species has fewer natural enemies in the new environment but competes for the same food supply and other necessities as the native species it displaces. Sometimes the exotic species is more adaptable or more aggressive and so pushes out a native species. Sometimes the exotic species reproduces at a higher rate or more successfully than does the native species.

Why do exotic species sometimes take over an ecosystem?

When exotic species are introduced into a new ecosystem, they often don't encounter the same factors that controlled the exotic species population or growth that was in the original ecosystem.

How do exotic species affect populations of native species?

When exotic species are introduced into an area these species can grow at exponential rate due to a lack of competitors and a lack of predators they may take over niches of native species and can eventually replace the native species completely

What are exotic species and how are they harmful to your environment?

Exotic species are simply those that do not belong in your particular habitat. They are harmful because when they are introduced into your habitat they compete with some native species and threaten to make it extinct. Such is happening with the European starling and many native North America birds.

What are exotic spesies?

exotic species do not live in our country like koala and penguin