

What are some facts about Anubis?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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that it is a jackal and it is a god

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Q: What are some facts about Anubis?
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What is the facts about Anubis?

Anubis is an Egyptian god that can control the underworld and death. He had a wife named Anput. His father's name was Ra.

Where was some places Anubis lived?

Anubis frequently traveled the Duat (underworld).

What are facts about Anubis?

Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god of embalming (mummification) and the guide and protector of the dead's the journey through the Duat (underworld) until the heart was weighed against the feather of Ma'at.

Did Anubis have any brothers?

By some accounts of Egyptian mythology the brother of Anubis was Horus.

Was Anubis powerful?

In the ancient Egyptian religion, Anubis was a god, and hence very powerful as gods usually are. For some interesting speculations about Anubis, I recommend the novel "The Anubis Gates" by Tim Powers.

What are some of Anubis's strengths or powers?

a Anubis i a very gay creature that was a famous god in old time

Did Anubis meet Horus?

In some cases, Anubis could be considered the brother of Horus as Isis was said to have raised Anubis - Anubis being the son of either Isis and Ra, of Osiris and Nephthysor of Set and Nephthys.

Was Horus Anubis's son?

No, Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris. Anubis was his half brother, although some myths say he was his brother. Anubis's mom was Nephthys and his dad was Set.

When did Anubis start being believed in?

Anubis in some form or another was worshiped throughout the history of ancient Egypt.

Did Anubis have any siblings?

In some accounts, where the mother of Anubis is Nephthys; his father is either Set or Osiris (thus he is brother of Horus).

Which Egyptian god was associated with the ritual of embalming?

Anubis in ancient Egypt

Who was Anubis family and how did he become a god?

Anubis in Egyptian myth was born a god. In some stories, Anubis is the son of Ra and Nephthys, or Set and Nephthys (probably due to Set and Anubis having the same totem animal). Some have Heset as his mother, and still others say Bast. This apparent confusion is still another sign of Anubis' origins in the most ancient of times. He also has a daughter, Kabechet, who helps him in the mummification