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  1. "The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine."
  2. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
  3. "Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine."
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Q: What are some famous quotes by Nikola Tesla?
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What is Nikola Tesla and acutes favorite color?

There is no definitive information about Nikola Tesla's favorite color. Some accounts suggest that he may have favored shades of blue or grey.

When did Nikola Tesla invent the death ray?

Nikola Tesla never invented a death ray. The concept of a death ray is often a misconception or exaggeration of some of Tesla's ideas about potential futuristic weapons.

How much money did Nikola Tesla make?

Nikola Tesla made significant contributions to science and technology, but he struggled financially throughout his life, with his wealth fluctuating. At the time of his death in 1943, Tesla had accumulated some wealth, but he did not amass a large fortune.

What were some notable contributions by scientist Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla made notable contributions to the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems, wireless communication, and the invention of the Tesla coil. He also conducted groundbreaking work in the field of electric power generation and transmission. Additionally, Tesla's experiments laid the foundation for modern electrical engineering and many of his ideas paved the way for future technological advancements.

Who did Nikola Tesla influence?

Nikola Tesla influenced a wide range of scientists, inventors, and engineers with his work on alternating current (AC) electricity, wireless transmission, and other innovations. Some notable figures he influenced include Guglielmo Marconi, Thomas Edison, and J.P. Morgan. Tesla's contributions to electrical engineering and technology have had a lasting impact on the world.

Related questions

Who are some famous Croatian people?

Nikola Tesla was a scientist

Was Nikola Tesla the only scientist in his family?

After Tesla, some of his nephews became scientist s like him.

What is Nikola Tesla and acutes favorite color?

There is no definitive information about Nikola Tesla's favorite color. Some accounts suggest that he may have favored shades of blue or grey.

How long was it until Nikola Tesla was reconized?

No matter what some people say, Tesla has been reconized trought history.

How did george westinghouse become nikola tesla's mentor?

He bought some patents from him.

Did Nikola Tesla do the radio by hims self?

There is the Marconi incident which were when he got the patent. Marconi got that using some 17 patents registered by Nikola Tesla. Anyways, Marconi radio was a short range radio while Tesla's radio was a long wave radio. Nikola Tesla did make the radio by himself. The patent was turned to his name in 1943.

Why is Nikola Tesla not mentioned in the answer to who invented the Radio?

If you look, you will find that Marconi like Tesla stated, used some 17 patents belonging to Tesla. In 1943 the patent was given back to the original inventor Nikola Tesla. If your information doesn't mention this, you got the older information or one that lacks the truth.

When was the radio invented by Mr Marconi?

Answer, never! Marconi used 17 pattens of Nikola Tesla to send his famous letter "s". United States Supreme Court gave back the Nobel prize and the honor to Nikola Tesla in the 1940s Nikola Tesla invented the first radio controlled boat. Go back further and you will find Hertz. He actually had created the first transistor and receiver but Nikola Tesla perfected it. Thank you Hertz for your discoveries and Nikola Tesla for perfecting our wireless phones, Remote control, radio controlled anything" Please research your history!

What are some inventions of Nikola Tesla?

Tesla invented the alternating-current generator that provides your light and electricity, the transformer through which it is sent, and even the high voltage coil of your picture tube. The Tesla Coil, in fact, is used in radios, television sets, and a wide range of other electronic equipment - invented in 1891, no-one's ever come up with anything better.

When did Nikola Tesla invent the death ray?

Nikola Tesla never invented a death ray. The concept of a death ray is often a misconception or exaggeration of some of Tesla's ideas about potential futuristic weapons.

How much money did Nikola Tesla make?

Nikola Tesla made significant contributions to science and technology, but he struggled financially throughout his life, with his wealth fluctuating. At the time of his death in 1943, Tesla had accumulated some wealth, but he did not amass a large fortune.

Why did you not use Nikola Tesla radio?

You should read about Nikola Tesla. He was one of the greatest scientists of all time, and well ahead of others of his day. He invented the radio. Some people are claiming he got the patent for his written work and that he didn't build a fuctional radio. This is not accurate. Nikola Tesla did build a radio and showed it's power which to the world.