

What are some famous words of President Lincoln?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What are some famous words of President Lincoln?
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# Abraham Lincoln - US President. # Jefferson Davis - Confederate President. # Kit Carson - Explorer. # Jim Bowie - Adventurer who died at the Alamo. # Helen Thomas - White House Correspondeent.

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there is a lot of famous people like Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel radcliff, Robert Louis stevenson, and a 100 more! barck Obama became famous by being a president! also Abraham Lincoln who died. Robert loius stevenson became famous by being a author and writing treasure island. Daniel radcliff became famous by practicing to be a actor and play in the movie Harry Potter.

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obama, lincoln, michael jordon and michael jackson are some famous americans.

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There is no actual proof that a man named Thomas Gates even existed during the time of President Lincoln. In some works of fiction it is written that he aided in Lincoln's assassination.

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