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Buildings,pyramids,gods and clothing

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Q: What are some features that Kushite and Egyptian cultures had in common?
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What are some features that Kushite and Egyptian cultures had in common How were they different?

y were similar and diffrent because they were enemies

Economic organization and other cultural features such marriage are closely intertwined in all cultures?

Certain cultural features are found throughout all cultures in the world. These include the development of an economy, marriage, and funeral rituals. These common traits tie the various groups to each other.

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They both had major rivers such as the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates. Also, they both farmed near the rivers.fsms

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Egyptian is a proper adjective.

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The most common known defence of the Egyptian Vulture is that it vomits

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There so many different people who contributed to the cultures of Spain and Portugal. The ancient Romans are common factor that influenced the two cultures significantly.

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What is the tomb of a common Egyptian like?

They didnt get tombs.