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Q: What are some flowers that begin with the letters Cl?
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What are some body parts that begin with the letters CL?


What are some animals that begin with the letters CL?

Clumber A Clumber is a type of spaniel (Dog). Clam Clown fish Cleaner-wrasse

What is cl in metric system?

The letters cl stand for centilitre - there are 100 centilitres in one litre.

How are the letters CL related to the number 500?

CL stands for cover letters and seems to have no connection to the number 500. In roman nuerals the letters CL mean 150 and not 500. The two again having nothing to do with each other.

Why some symbols like cl and si have two letters?

Chemical symbols such as Cl for chlorine and Si for silicon have two letters because they are derived from the names of the elements in Latin or their English names. This system helps to uniquely identify each element without confusion.

What does the letters cl in baking measurements mean?

cl = Centi litres There is 100 centi litres in a litre.

Cl action words?

Action words that begin with cl include classify, clarify, cleaned, and many others.

What is 5150 in roman numeral?

5150 = (V)CL which are normally in capital letters

Is clucle a word?

funky way of writin dude, luks better with fonts that put the letters closer together... cl u cl e

What six letter word starts with cl and ends with r?

Clover, clever, closer and closer is a 6 letter word. They begin with CL and end with R.

IN LEGAL terms what is a FTp attempt cl 3a 4?

The numbers and letters probably refer to some legal statute but without knowing which state this question comes from it is impossible to guess what it might mean.

What symbol is used for salt?

It's a mixture of two atomic letters; Na (sodium) and Cl (chloride). Hope that helps!