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Foods that are likely to include toxins or heavy metals should be avoided during pregnancy. This includes certain kinds of fish, as well as vegetables that have had lots of pesticides applied.

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Q: What are some foods never to eat during pregnancy?
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Is hot apple cider safe during pregnancy?

Only if it is pasteurized. Which means not from the cider mill. Some grocery stores sell pasteurized cider, but check the label to be sure. Eating or drinking unpasteurized foods can exposed the unborn baby to a bacteria called listeria (and other pathogens)and can cause miscarriage. Here's one website that gives examples of what not to eat:

Is it necessary to be on a pregnancy diet plan during your first trimester of pregnancy?

There are some foods you should avoid during your pregnancy. For example, you should only eat a minimal amount of tuna fish, if any, due to high levels of mercury in the fish. Other than that, you should listen to your body and make healthy choices whenever possible.

Does everyone crave foods during pregnancy?

No, not everybody does. Every woman gets different pregnancy symptoms, including different cravings or no cravings at all. Some women even have cravins for smells or for things (eg. coal) that aren't food.