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There are a few foods one should look to avoid if they have a wheat allergy. They should avoid bread, cakes, cereals, muffins, pasta, salad dressings and candy bars.

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Q: What are some foods one must avoid if one has a wheat allergy?
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What four foods must be avoided by those on a coeliac diet?

If you meant "Celiac" as in Celiac Disease, you need to be on a gluten-free diet and must avoid wheat, barley, rye and oats.

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Is there any meat in wheat gluten?

No, gluten is a plant protein. Some people are allergic to it and must avoid it.

What foods can I incorporate into a low carbohydrates diet?

Lots of fruits and vegetables with whole grains like wheat bread, oats and fiber can contribute to a low carb diet plan. One must avoid eating white flour and rice.

What is wheat gluten allergy?

Celiac Allergy or as it is more commonly known Celiac Sprue or Celiac Disease is a condition that manifests itself as an allergy to gluten, the protein in wheat oats barley and rye. So for instance, oatmeal, beef and barley soup as well as McDonald's chicken nuggets all contain gluten. Oatmeal has oats, Beef and barley soup has barley and McDonald's chicken nuggets have a wheat flour breading. It is important to remember that not all flours are an issue for those with CD. Tapioca or garbanzo bean flour are two examples of common flour replacements. Unprocessed fruits and veggies are safe as are plain meats, non injected, Non marinated Non rubbed. You can do these steps at home with your own spices which must be checked for anti caking agents. Fish and shellfish are also safe. Dairy products such as 100% MILK and butter are gluten free but not all margarines are.

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if you have a throat allergy you must eat a lot of fruit and drink lots of water and milk

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To maintain a heart healthy diet, you must not only avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, but also avoid excess sugars, salts, and saturated fats.

Is there an allergy to tobacco?

Yes, tobacco is in the nightshade family along with potato, eggplant, tomato, and peppers. If you are sensitive to nightshades you may you would also be sensitive to tobacco. Whether it is a true allergy or a sensitivity, the offending substance must be avoided in order to avoid the unpleasant symptoms that result from ingestion or contact.

Why must they avoid eatin certain foods in space?

it will explode in their face!! things like achohol and ither fizzy things will sooner or later be on their face!! =)

What restrictions are dialysis patients on?

Fluid is the one of the main restrictions for patients who are on dialysis. They must learn to drink less and to avoid foods that will increase their thirst.

Why people may have specific dietary requirements?

That's because there are differences between people, including the health situation. If one is too fat, he must be avoid food that will make him still fatter; if one has diabetes, he must avoid sugar; if a woman is pregnant, some foods must be avoided for the sake of the baby; if a person has lactose intolerance, he must avoid milk, cheese, and other products derived from milk; etc.