

Best Answer

Did you know:

  • Tasmanian devils belong to a group of marsupials known as "dasyurids", which are the carnivorous marsupials?
  • Tasmanian devils are not only hunters, but also scavengers, and carrion-feeders?
  • Tasmanian devils are subject to a disease known as Devil facial tumour Disease, or DFTD, which causes cancerous lesions over their face?
  • Tasmanian devils gained their name of "devil" from the unearthly shrieking sounds they make as they fight over their food at night?
  • Tasmanian devils can emit a pungent odor as a defence mechanism when threatened?
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Q: What are some good ''did you know'' questions about Tasmanian devils?
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How are Tasmanian devil's whiskers helpful?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, hunting and scavenging for food at night time. The Tasmanian devil's long whiskers help them to find food at night, and they also give the animals a sense of their own space so they do not crowd each other when they are feeding. Tasmanian devils are at their most aggressive and territorial when feeding, and if their whiskers are not touching each other while they ar feeding on carrion, they know they are outside biting range.

What would win in a fight a wolverine or a Tasmanian devil?

Well, Many People Have Been Kinda Saying This. It's Not Hard For Me Because The Wolverine Would Win Because Wolverines Are Much More Ferocious.1st Reason: Tazmanian Devil And His Eating Habits On Everything Is So Ridicolous. Tasmanian Devils Only Have The Word "Devil" Because Of It's Screams. Wolverines Eat Alot Of Things, Tasmanian Devils Mainly Eat Carrion.2nd Reason: Wolverines Are Much Larger And Heavier Than Tasmanian Devils.3rd Reason: Tasmanian Devils Are Slower Than Wolverines.And Yes, I Know They Don't Meet.

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idont know

How many Jersey Devils are there?

If you want to know how many ANIMAL Jersey Devils there are, there are none, on the team, well I don't know the answer to that one.

Is a Tasmanian devil cute?

I really don't know how "dangerous" they are but I do know they are incredibly hyper and they have been known to eat livestock as well as other Tasmanian devils, so they may hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. They eat meat, so they might look at you as a tasty never know.Correction:Tasmanian devils are not at all dangerous to anyone wise enough to stay away from their food. Tasmanian devils are not known to attack people; nor do they attack livestock - this is a misconception. They are also not "hyper", as suggested above. Tasmanian devils mostly feed on carrion - dead animal bodies - as well as native animals up to the size of a wallaby. Furthermore, although they attack their own kind over food and territory, they only eat their own kind if the animal is already dead.

Why does not have answers to any good questions?

because people only answer questions when they know the answer to a question.

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What are good voir dire questions?

Good voir dire questions should focus on uncovering biases, attitudes, and experiences that potential jurors may have that could impact their ability to be impartial. Questions should be open-ended, specific, and designed to elicit honest responses from jurors. Examples include, "Have you ever been a victim of a crime?" or "Do you have any beliefs that would prevent you from being fair and impartial in this case?"

What are some good science project questions?

I don't know you tell me

How do scientists know that the Tasmanian devil lived in the mainlands?

Fossil evidence indicates that the Tasmanian devil once lived on the Australian mainland. Tasmanian devil fossils have been found across much of Australia's southern region.