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Q: What are some good exercises to get rid of butt and hip fat?
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What are good exercises to burn thigh butt and stomach fat?

doing bicycles on your back with your feet as close to the floor as you can get without touching it.

What are some simple exercises and good tasting foods to help lose fat?

Some simple exercises to help lose fat are cardiovascular exercises. These exercises could be jogging, jump roping and running. Foods that could help lose fat would be fruits.

What are some good exercises for burning fat off?

Some of the best known exercises are starjumps, abdominal crunches, and knee lifts which can alter your weight and burn off fat.

What are good exercises to rid butt fat?

The only way to get rid of fat is cardio, such as running, dancing, biking, and swimming. Doing cardio combined with eating healthy (avoid refined carbs and sugar) should get rid of the fat. However, to firm up your butt you need to tone, you can try the bridge ( lay on the floor legs bent and lift butt up) or squats will lift and make your butt firmer

What are some good floor exercises to burn fat?

Cardio exercises are the best exercises for burning calories. These are exercises which get your heart pumping faster, such as jogging, running, swimming, dancing and active sports.

Why do some butt exercises make your butt smaller rather than big?

Because of the size of that exact muscle! You see, gluteus maximus or rear end muscles are the biggest ones in your body, and the bigger the muscle, the larger calorie burn (or fat-burn). Yes, it says calories! Calories=ass fat!

If your butt jiggels when you shake it does that mean you have a butt?

It means that she has some fat on her butt. But do not hate it! Lots of men love a girl with some junk in the trunk! Just make sure it is a good size (by this I mean that you don't wear a size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL). Totally. Girls that have fat on their asses usually have pretty hot behinds- and jiggly asses are hot. But if it's TOO jiggly, then ewww.

How do you get a jiggly butt?

Saturated fat is the term used for the type of fat that becomes solid when cooled. This is the type of fat that can clog your arteries and be deposited in your butt and thighs seems to be a good way but not very healthy.

What are some exercises to reduce the size of a big butt?

There is no way to reduce fat from any one area of the body alone. This type of "Spot Reduction" is a myth. Your body loses fat from all areas of the body equally. Doing gluteal exercises will firm and tone up the muscle under the fat, but has no direct effect on the fat itself. General weight loss is the ONLY way to lose weight from any area of the body.

Is there a way to get rid of fat on the calves?

Cardiovascular exercise is the only way to reduce fat. You can't "spot remove" fat on the hips, calves, butt, etc. Losing weight through cardio and weight training exercises that focus on the calves will give them a lot more definition though. ~ T

Why do fat only go to your belly but not your butt?

It's mostly genetic, with some people it does go to their butt, but there's also mesinteric (inter-abdominal fat) which seems to be belly fat but isn't.

If you have a fatty tummy but flat butt How do you fix it?

Regular cardiovascular exercise combined with lower body exercises such as squats which target the gluteus muscles can help you reduce total body fat while increasing the size of your butt.