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Green, Fresh, Delicate, Growth, Fragrant, Colorful, Joyous, Lively, Plentiful

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Q: What are some good metaphors or similes that can be used to describe a garden?
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kindness similes, i makes each side of the world more good

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My good sir is like the fresh air I breathe. Page

What similes are good to describe tarantulas?

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What is MOPS stands for?

MOPS stands for metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, and similes. This is good to put inside your writing. Metaphors is when you say something is something else. Onomatopoeia is when the word your using sounds like the way it sounds. Personification is when you give an inanimate object human characteristics. Lastly, similes is when you say something is like something else.

Can you write some good similes and metaphors for your story character who is a lonely Edwardian schoolgirl with short bobbed hair and brown eyes?

You're the only one who can "see" your characters, so our descriptions would not match what you are picturing in your mind. Similes will take the form of "as ___ as ___" or "like ____." You can compare your schoolgirl to whatever you wish in order to describe her fully, but you're the best one to come up with the similes and metaphors!Of course I can! And just to prove it here's one.Eyes as brown and rich as cream dabbed coffee, so swirled in warmth and sweetness that a man could drown in them forever.And how did you know I was writing a story about a lonely Edwardian schoolgirl with short bobbed hair and brown eyes?

Why were people attracted to hip hop music?

Because it related to alot of peoples lives and sometimes thats all they had and it's good music with similes metaphors and all sorts of things in hip-hop that's why.

How do similes strengthen The Hobbit?

Similes help the reader to understand what the author was trying to relate. It gives the reader a good mental picture of whatever the writer was attempting to describe. In other words, it helps the book to come alive, just a little bit better.

What rhetorical devices does nabokov use in good readers and good writers?

In "Good Readers and Good Writers," Nabokov utilizes rhetorical devices such as metaphor, allusion, and irony to emphasize the importance of active reading, critical thinking, and the ability to appreciate great literature. These devices help to engage the reader and convey Nabokov's message effectively.

What are some sources that can add interest to a story?

An established setting/surrounding. Use of descriptive verbs and adjectives. Creative descriptions of the weather, using similes, metaphors, personification, etc. Interesting characters. Famous and/or funny quotes. Most importantly - good and realistic dialogue.

What are good metaphors about people?

find it bruh

What are good metaphors?

Life is like a rollercoster

What are the rules for good language?

Good language should be clear, concise, and precise to effectively communicate its message. It should also be appropriate for the audience and purpose, avoiding jargon or overly complex terms when unnecessary. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be used correctly to ensure clarity and understanding.