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You can find valid information from MindBodyGreen web site, You find good information also from Natural News,

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Q: What are some good vegan protein sources?
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What protein sources are used in the vegan diet?

Some protein sources in the vegan diet are tofu, veggie burgers, and protein supplements like smoothies. There are many choices for proteins for vegan diets. Vegans can eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, and many types of beans.

What are good sources of protein for vegans?

Beans, seitan, tempeh, vegan sausages, quinoa, nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butterThere is protein in all vegan foods.

What should vegetarians choose to eat to get protein?

Some good sources of protein are cheese, beans, lentils, eggs, and peas.

Where can i find vegan protein substitutes?

If you are looking for Vegan protein substitute, try Amazon as they have a big choice and they seem to be cheap and they are more reliable than some other websites.

Eggs milk fish and meat are good sources of what part of your diet?

meat=protein and fats, LEAN meat is mostly protein. milk=protein, carbohydrates, and fat. eggs=mostly protein, some fat. Milk is mostly balanced.

What is a good power food source?

a good power sources are eggs, milk and protein and some veggies and fruits.

What foods provide good sources of protein?

Some of the best food protein sources are meats, eggs, dairy, beans and nuts/seeds. You should be ale to meet your daily protein requirements without turning to supplements.

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Vegan Diet Plan?

Be sure to get enough protein on a vegan diet. Since you won't be getting protein from meat, eggs or dairy, you must choose high-protein vegetable sources instead. Soy beans are an excellent source since they contain all of the necessary amino acids. Pour some soy milk on top of your cereal in the morning, or use it instead of water in your oatmeal. For lunch, cook a soy veggie burger or sprinkle some cubed tofu on a tossed salad. Tofu and vegan cheese made of soy can be used to replace the meat and cheese in a casserole or spinach lasagna.

Why s being a vegan good for you?

People often mix up vegan and vegetarian. Vegan is when you do not use any products that killed animals. A vegan wouldn't have leather couches since they use animal hides, unless it was fake leather. To certain people vegan is the way to go, but to other's it's not. Some vegans won't even eat eggs since the way the chicken farms are operated. Since people need protein in their diets, vegan (in my opinion) isn't the way to go, because you can't just always eat eggs and tofu for your protein. (I'm sure there are other non meat foods that give you a lot of protein, I'm just not sure of them)

Which store sells vegan protein?

To add more protein to your diet without sacrificing your vegan lifestyle, you need look no further than the soy bean. It surpasses all other food plants in protein and also contains all essential amino acids. It is even equal to meat in protein! However, if you are for some reason unable to eat soy beans, there are tons of vegan friendly supplements dedicated solely to providing your bodies necessary protein!

Are fruits and vegetables good sources of water?

Yes. They are made up of some water and are a very high source of protein.