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Algae are extremely diverse in appearance and environment and are considered "primary producers" as they can either manufacture food through photosynthesis or chemo-synthesis. Because of this they are eaten by a host of things include (and not limited to):

Fish, snails, crabs, insects and gnats

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Q: What are some herbivores that eat plants and algae?
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Herbivores that live in water?

Dugongs eat seaweed, some crustaceans and fish eat algae.

In a food chain what do herbivores eat?

well lets think about it an herb is a plant so lets assume they eat plants that leaves ivores which most likely means to eat in some way make your assumptions

What are herbivores which eat producers?

Herbivores eat plants, and plants are producers. So, all herbivores eat producers.

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Primary Consumers are primarily herbivores, they eat plants, algae and fungi.

What are some things herbivores have in common?

all herbivores eat plants

What herbivores eat plants?

All herbivores eat primarily plants. Many omnivores also eat plants.

Primary producers often eaten by?

Plants and algae do not usually eat other organisms, but pull nutrients from the soil or Animals that eat primary producers (like plants) are called herbivores.

Is an iguana a herbivore?

Iguanas are herbivores. They eat plants.

Do Tadpoles eat vegetables?

Well you see MOST Tadpoles are vegetarians!! So species have been proven to be carniviose. I have a pond in my yard and there are tadpoles in thier that i tape and it shows some eating plants and others eating plankton and such.

How are herbivores and carnivores and omnivores different?

carnivores - eat other animals herbivores- eat mainly autotrophs (plants and algae) omnivores - regularly consume animals as well as plants or algal matter detritivores - regularly consume dead organic matter

Do fish eats plants that been inthe water?

Many fish eat plants in the water; due to there being a variety of plants and fish, and some of them being herbivores, their diets can vary and plant matter and/or algae is a part of their diet.

Is photosynthesis a herbivore or a carnivore?

Neither. Herbivores and carnivores are classifications of animals based on what they eat. Photosynthesis is a process carried out by plants and algae.