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A city or factory

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Q: What are some ideas of cell similes?
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Some similes ideas?

Life sports u like things u enjoy people u love

What are some similes in the monkey's paw?

what are some similes and personification in the monkey's paw

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What are some similes for conduction?

convection,and radiation

What tenor do all similes share?

All similes share a comparison using "like" or "as" to highlight similarities between two different things or ideas. This comparison helps create a vivid image or understanding for the reader by drawing parallels between the two elements.

What do similes use when comparing ideas?

They basically just compare two unlike things using like or as. It's not that hard.

What are some similes from the book the land of stories?

Sure, some similes from "The Land of Stories" could be "as fierce as a dragon," "as bright as a shooting star," or "as fast as the wind."

What are 5 similes for the name Jaidyn?

There are no similes for the name Jaidyn, many people think that it is a horrible name but some obviously do not.

What are some similes in the boxcar children book?

Some similes in "The Boxcar Children" book series include "as light as a feather," "as quiet as a mouse," and "as busy as a bee." These similes help make descriptions more vivid and engage the reader's imagination.

What are some firework similes?

any thing that has like or as in it