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Computers and internet are some of the technological advancement in the American society.

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Q: What are some important technological advancements in American society?
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What technological advances made the transition from agriculture society to civilizations possible?

by see things and look for things

How did technological advances change society?

It changed the sumerians society because the wheel made it faster to get from one place to another and the arches made the city more beautiful

What is person vs technology mean?

A "person versus technology" conflict is a narrative or conceptual conflict that arises when a character or group of characters in a story, be it in literature, film, or other forms of storytelling, faces challenges or dilemmas related to the use, impact, or consequences of technology. This conflict often explores the tension between human values, ethics, or desires and the influence or implications of advanced technological systems. Here are a few common themes within the "person versus technology" conflict: Ethical Dilemmas: Characters might grapple with the ethical implications of technological advancements, such as the creation of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or advanced surveillance systems. This conflict raises questions about the responsible use of technology and its potential consequences on society. Loss of Control: Characters may find themselves in situations where they lose control over technology or become victims of technological systems that have unintended consequences. This theme explores the vulnerability of individuals in a highly technologized world. Humanization vs. Dehumanization: The conflict might revolve around the tension between the human experience and the dehumanizing effects of technology. This can include themes such as the loss of genuine human connections due to overreliance on digital communication or the emotional impact of advancements like robotics. Survival Against Technology: Stories may involve characters struggling to survive or resist the negative effects of a technological dystopia. This conflict often explores themes of resilience, adaptability, and the fight against oppressive technological systems. Unintended Consequences: Characters may confront challenges resulting from unintended consequences of technological innovation. This conflict delves into the idea that advancements in technology can have far-reaching and unforeseen effects. Human Augmentation: The conflict may center around characters grappling with the decision to enhance their bodies or minds through technological means. This theme raises questions about the nature of humanity and the potential risks and benefits of enhancing ourselves with technology. Prominent examples of the "person versus technology" conflict can be found in various works of science fiction, where authors and creators explore the implications of futuristic technologies on individuals and society. These narratives often serve as a reflection on contemporary concerns and offer commentary on the relationship between humanity and the tools it creates.

How have advances in agricultural technology changed American society?

fewer people are needed to work on farmsFewer people are needed to work on farms

How does science impact society?

The most important impact of science and technology to society is that it brings innovation and change in all spheres of life and makes life convenient, economical and easier for the common man.

Related questions

How does technology shape society?

Technology is a very big and important part of today's society. As technological advancements emerge, people grow along with them and use them to become more in touch with society as a whole.

What are the greatest advancements in the American society since 1793?

They n

Two advancements in American society during 1950s?

The car and the television

How do scientists most commonly affect society?

Scientists most commonly affect society because they make technological advancements. Without these scientists, we would never have the medicines, treatments and electronics we have now!

How is Byzantine society reflected in the Hagia Sophia?

it shows the different art and culture that the byzantine empire had during this time. technological advancements were used for the construction of this monument

What is the influence of the education in the rural society?

The influence of education in the rural society is that it opened the eyes of the farmers and fishermen of new ways in doing their trades. People learn and adapt technological advancements that help themselves and their community.

What advancements in society came from the middle ages?

Advancements in society that stem from the Middle Ages are many. Greater focus on education, mathematics and sciences, advancements in medicine and treatments, and new discoveries in chemistry and metallurgy led to advancements in society.

What is culture lag?

Cultural lag is a term used to describe the idea that a society is having issues in catching up with the current flow of the technological and scientific discoveries. This leads to ethics and moral arguments that tackle whether these advancements should be accepted.

How do you describe today's society?

Today's society is diverse, interconnected, and fast-paced. It is characterized by rapid technological advancements, increased globalization, and a focus on issues such as social justice, sustainability, and mental health. Social media plays a significant role in shaping communication and relationships within this society.

How do scientists help society?

Scientists help society by conducting research to address important issues and develop solutions to various problems. They provide valuable knowledge and understanding of the natural world, which can lead to technological advancements, improved healthcare, and better environmental stewardship. Their work also contributes to economic growth and social progress.

How important computer can be in a high school student?

Because we live in a technological world/ society, where technological advancements are constantly being made, a computer class for a high school student is extremely important. Computers are widely used in everyday life, and many businesses use computers for all of their daily functions. Having the knowledge of computer function is necessary to gain employment in today's society.

How are different rocks used for important purposes in society?

Different rocks are used for various important purposes in society. For example, granite and marble are commonly used for construction materials like countertops and tiles, while limestone is used in building materials like cement and concrete. Rocks like quartz and bauxite are important for manufacturing electronic devices and aluminum products, respectively. Overall, rocks play a crucial role in infrastructure development, manufacturing, and technological advancements.