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Q: What are some jaguar adaptations?
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What are some of the Jaguar adaptation?

Some of the jaguar's adaptations arecamouflage, speed, and buildment.

What are Jaguars structural adaptation?

some structural adaptations for a jaguar is that a jaguar has skin/fur that helps it blend in with its surroundings when hunting for its prey.

What are some behavior adaptations of a jaguar?

speed so it can run from prey or to catch predators

What are the jaguars structural adaptation?

some structural adaptations for a jaguar is that a jaguar has skin/fur that helps it blend in with its surroundings when hunting for its prey.

What is the adaptation of a jaguar?

The Jaguar has had many adaptations that lead to their modern-day survival. Their small and agile bodies are just 2 adaptations.

What are some adaptations of a jaguar over time?

they grew tails and then got sharp teeth and better eyesight

What are some behavioral adaptations for a jaguar?

they also have learned over the years where to pounce on there prey exactly to knock them down easier to kill them easier

What are some adaptations of a jaguar to people?

Jaguars stay away from people and live in secluded areas of the rain forest. Their spotted coat helps them to hide.

What are some adaptations a jaguar has?

They have the most powerful jaw of all the big cats and they use their paws to swoop up prey also they are the third biggest cat

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How do a jaguar's adaptations help survival?

i think that a jaguars adaptaions help suvival because it can sneak up on enimys with camoflage

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