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There are many different kidney failure symptoms. To name a few weakness, lethargy, shortness of breath, and generalized swelling may occur. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Kidneys are the basis for healthy blood and transport of nutrients. Kidney failure is a serious issue that should be consulted with your doctor. Though, symptoms may include foamy or bubbly urine, blood in the urine stream, and pressure or difficulty with urinating.

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Q: What are some kidney failure symptoms?
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What are some symptoms that could indicate kidney failure?

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The symptoms of Kidney failure are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and fatigue, problems sleeping, decreased mental state, muscle cramps, high blood pressure and shortness of breath.Symptoms of kidney failure include little or no urine when urinating, swelling in extremities, and pain the back located right under the ribcage.

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the symptoms is the side of your kidney aches and you are having a hard time in urinating.

What are the early symptoms of kidney failure?

There are several early signs of kidney failure. This however, is something that should be discussed with a doctor. After an examination and evaluation, the doctor would be in a good position to offer advice and treatment options.

Knowing the Signs of Kidney Failure can Save Your Life?

Kidney failure occurs for a number of reasons; an acute situation or a chronic illness can both cause kidney failure. When you are living with a chronic illness and the knowledge that kidney failure is a possibility, it is important that you understand the symptoms and know what signs to look for so that you can seek medical attention immediately. Kidney failure is not a minor medical condition; it is deadly and it can take a life very quickly. Knowing the symptoms can save your life. Unfortunately, when kidney failure begins it is often asymptomatic, which means that it does not produce any symptoms for you to look out for. As the ability to function decreases in the kidney, symptoms will begin to show; the symptoms are good because you know to seek medical assistance immediately, but the fact that you are having symptoms means your kidneys have crossed a point where failure is happening more quickly. You will notice that your body is unable to regulate water and electrolytes, which clear waste from the body. You will become lethargic, weak and short of breath. You may also begin noticing swelling on your body. In addition to these symptoms, other life threatening and unrecognizable symptoms may occur. Your body will begin to shut down due to the increased acidity from the lack of waste being removed from the body; your other organs will begin to fail. A loss of appetite will occur because of the increased waste in your body and fatigue will set in. This will affect your body until the point that a coma may set in and you will lose consciousness. Lastly, your body cannot handle the rising levels of acidity from the failure of your kidneys, which means your breathing will become rapid as your lungs attempt to remove acid from your body; your blood pressure will rise significantly and you run the risk of congestive heart failure. Unfortunately, kidney failure is not always associated with an existing condition, it can be caused from injury to the kidney in an accident of some sort, which means it is imperative you seek medical treatment if you notice these symptoms.

What will Chronic kidney failure lead to?

Chronic kidney failure is irreversible, and will eventually lead to total kidney failure

To detect a kidney failure before it is full blown, what are the symptoms to watch out for?

When someone's kidney is failing, the type of symptoms they'll experience are subtle pain since it takes years for it to occurred, but their organs will slowly shut down.

Is there any difference between kidney disease and kidney failure?

Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.

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What causes the symptoms of chronic renal failure in cats?

CAUSES OF CAT KIDNEY DISEASE Cat Chronic Kidney Failure- A variety of chronic conditions causing exaggerated, abnormal and/or immune reactions can result in Feline Chronic Kidney Disease and failure. Chronic Dental Disease Chronic bacterial and viral infections Chronic skin allergies Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and hormonal disorders like Diabetes Mellitus Blood pressure abnormalities: too high or too low