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Q: What are some locations of villages in the Southwest Desert?
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Related questions

What are some countries in the desert southwest?

The desert southwest of the United States falls within the borders of the United States but two of the actual deserts extend into Mexico.

What are some cities in the desert region in California?

Desert Cities of California:Bakersfield Palm Springs Calexico Mojave There are other smaller towns and villages as well.

What are 2 types of deserts found in southwest Asia?

There are several major deserts in Asia. Some of these include the Gobi Desert, the Karakum Desert, Kyzylkum Desert, as well as the Takla Makan Desert.

What technology did American Indians of the desert southwest use to survive?

American Indians of the Desert Southwest would use clay and other resources they could find to make survival possible.

How do you describe the people of the desert southwest?

The people of the southwest are no different from people in other non-desert cities in the United States. They are very normal folks except they seem happier and more friendly than people from some areas.

What are some of the desert southwest natives tribe names?

Hopi, Pueblo, Navaho, Pima, Ute, etc.

Do ibises live in the desert?

Some species of Ibis will spend part of the year in the deserts of the southwest United States. Some winter there.

What kind of houses do desert southwest people live in?

nomadic huts, made of animal skin or twigs or clothing

Can a bat live in a desert?

Yes, in fact bats do live in the desert. Some of the largest bats colonies in the world live in the deserts of the American Southwest. Several bats species are native to the driest desert on Earth, the Atacama.

Do the desert southwest Indians go to school?

Yes, Native American children attend school, some even attend college.

Where to get emeralds in minecraft?

I would go mining in Extreme Hills biomes, or try to find Desert temples, jungle temples, and villages and they may have some there.

Did the desert southwest Indians live?

Many of the Indians of the desert southwest lived in adobe structures. I doubt any lived in teepees. Teepees were used by people who were nomadic, such as the plains Indians.