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While bananas and monkey poop may be low in iron, you probably don't want to live off of bananas, and probably don't want to touch, let alone eat monkey poop, so some other foods are, chicken, pork, flounder, peanut butter, and broccoli. Hope this helps.


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14y ago

The best source of iron that I have found is sea vegetables. They are vegetables that grow in the sea such as seaweed, but not the type of seaweed in Chinese foods. That is just dried cabbage. However, real seaweed and other sea vegetables could give you more than you need per day. You can probably find these things in health food shops.

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Q: What are some low iron foods?
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How can you replenish your low iron?

iron pills. or foods high in iron like broccoli.

What are the main food groups to avoid to follow a diet low in iron?

To follow a low-iron diet, you want to carefully watch your intake of such foods as citrus fruits, alcohol, red meat, sugar, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or brussels sprouts, and also be careful to check processed foods for any added iron. Some foods you can safely enjoy on a low-iron diet include most non-citrus fruits, non-cruciferous vegetables, dairy products, and teas.

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There are low calorie foods such as lean cuts of meat, beans, and legumes are some of the high protein low calorie foods that would work good in a low calorie diet.

Why do you need to eat foods with iron in it?

Iron is vital because is used in the production of haemoglobin (blood). Low iron levels equals low bloor levels. Iron is usually suggested for women because they lose blood during their period.

Can you die from having low iron?

No because I'm not dead yet. Plus, you could always switch it around and get high iron by eating the right foods.

Which foods are best for high iron low cholesterol?

Green leaft vegetables like spinach,amaranthus etc.

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Triglycerides are carried in foods that are high in fat. In order to lower your triglyceride intake eat foods that have low fats or eat "heart smart" foods.

What are some low carb foods that taste great?

You can get low-carb versions of many regular foods, such as low-carb pasta (Dreamfields is highly recommended), as well as a range of different foods from Carbolite.

Why might a lactating woman need to take an iron supplement?

Low iron levels, and under doctor's supervision. While nursing I limit to taking nothing, unless absolutely needed. Foods can be a great source of everything you need. If you need more iron I would suggest increasing your foods high in iron.

What are some inexpensive low carb foods?

There are many foods that are inexpensive and many that are low in carbohydrates. It is difficult to get both. Two of the best foods that fit this are peanut butter and eggs.

How do you improve your heart health?

Some effective measures you can do to improve your heart health are regular exercise and a good diet high in fruits, vegetables, iron and vitamins and low in fat and sugary foods.

What are some foods that begin with the letter B and have iron in it?

Broccoli, beans, beef