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Q: What are some main characteristics for taproots?
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What is a taproots?

One main root descending downward from the radical and giving off small lateral roots.

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There are no main characteristics. But some characteristics could be grass-physical, crops-human etc. Hope this helps!

Why do plant have taproots?

Taproots are the anchor roots of plants . The taller the plant the deeper the tap root.

Are taproots edible?

Yes. There are four types of edible taproots. They are carrots, beets, radishes, and turnups.

Why fleshy taproot easier to uproot than plant with root system?

Taproots have one main root which has many other roots branching from it. With this, more roots hold on to the land better especially with one main root. Also, taproots can reach far underground to obtain water which makes it harder for the root to be uprooted.

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They are sweet kind and some are evil.

How does the taproot help the plant to reproduce?

Yes taproots reproduce becuase if you do stem cuttings then if the male or female plant already had taproots then that plant that has had a stem cutting then the new plant will have taproots.

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