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Q: What are some minerals found in the Caribbean and they use?
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What are the minerals found in Delhi and name the industries which use them?

Some minerals found in Delhi include limestone, marble, and mica. These minerals are used by industries such as construction, ceramics, and electronics for manufacturing products like cement, tiles, and electrical components.

What do you make with minerals?

Minerals are found in almost every product we use in our daily lives, from toothpaste to your computer to cars and MP3 players.

What are minerals for?

minerals are for doctors they could use them for surgiries and stuff also in some tools they use minerals to cut stuff becuace they are sharp you could also have neclaces By: fayaz

How can rocks be used to find minerals?

You can use rocks to find minerals because many minerals show up in certain kinds of rock. For instance, beryl can be found in schist or limestone.

Why do minerals need chelates?

To my understanding, minerals don't need chelates, we need chelated forms of minerals to better be able to use them. Chelated minerals are a special form of minerals that are found in living things. If the minerals aren't chelated, living things are unable to utilize them.

How do artists use gems and minerals?

Some artists use minerals as pigments, by finely grinding them and mixing them with a carrier like egg whites.

What is the literature cited for what are all the minerals you use in your everyday life?

It is that you can find it on the site you found your information on.

Where can copper chloride be found?

Copper chloride can be found naturally in minerals such as atacamite and nantokite. It is also produced synthetically for industrial and laboratory use.

What is one legal means that some citezens of Caribbean countries may use in attempts to migrate to developed countries?

A legal means that some citizens of Caribbean countries can use to migrate to a developed country would be due to fleeing due to persecution.

What are the poetic devices found in south by kamauBrathwaite?

Some of the poetic devices found in "South" by Kamau Brathwaite include repetition, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism. Brathwaite's use of these devices helps to create a rhythmic and evocative portrayal of the Caribbean landscape, history, and culture.

What are some non renewable resources found in Africa?

Some non-renewable resources found in Africa include oil, natural gas, coal, and minerals such as gold, diamonds, and platinum. These resources play a significant role in the continent's economy, but their extraction and use can have environmental and social consequences.