

What are some modest proposal paper ideas?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The following can be used for any modest proposal type essay or similar paper where satire is accepted-Since Social Security is in financial trouble, and since the nation is so in debt, eliminating all the old people age 62 and above will save the countries billions of dollars in Medicare and Social Security money. Doing something with them as is done in Brave New World where they are destroyed and then the gases of their bodies are reclycled ("phosphorus recovery") might be a suggestion.

or for Immigration. say that as more and more immigrants come here looking for hope and following the "american dream" they should only by given simple jobs such as cleaning, etc. to show how the reality of such a problem is true and sad at the same time.

or Those people medically determined as obese could be herded into 'farms', and their 'meat' used to feed the starving in other countries. Of course the US would be loved by all the poor nations it could support, and the percentage of obese citizens would be reduced, thus making the US a healthier nation

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