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Q: What are some natinaol holidays?
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What are some of Iceland's holidays?

The answer is the same holidays as the U.S

Is it good to celebrate holidays in school?

no,because some kids cant celebrate some holidays

Is childcare common on holidays?

Some people do childcare on holidays but most do not, it is like a vaccation day to some.

What are some Korean holidays?

some a few Korean holidays are, Christmas holidays a diffrence is that they celebrate with there boyfriends husband girlfriend or wife, just like valentines day.

What are some religious holidays in greece?

same religious holidays for Orthodox Christians.

What are some Greek holidays?

Yes, there are some Greek holidays like Christmas and Easter but none that are established in Greece.

What are some Antarctic holidays?

There are no countries on Antarctica, so no national holidays are designated for that geography.

What are some emo holidays?

Some emo holidays include World Goth Day on May 22nd and International MCR Day on September 23rd, dedicated to the band My Chemical Romance. These days are often celebrated by emo fans through music, fashion, and events.

What are some important holidays in Chile?

Chile celebrates some holidays. A few are Christmas, Independence Day, and Day of the Dead.

What are facts about national parks?

1) Oldest American Natinaol Park west of the Mississippi river 2) Made up of a lot of islands 3)........>_> ~Whats the point of this?~

What are some Holidays in Greece?
