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Q: What are some notable dates and events in the history of Judaism?
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tu mai e la golda,

What is more important in history-events persons or dates?

anything is important in history events

What is more important in history events persons or dates?

Of those three, probably events. People make events, but not just as individuals. Dates are useless in themselves but valuable markers for observing the wider context at a given time. But conditions and processes are more important still. And people in the aggregate rather than individual leaders. Events and notable dates follow from those rather than occurring in a vacuum or at the whim of a man on horseback.

Why do you associate history as a string of dates?

It is important to associate history with a string of dates because it tells about the systematically events occured in the past.

Why dates is important in history?

As history is all about knowing the past, it is important to know what has happened as well as when it has happen. It is the dates which give us the idea of time at which various events unfolded in the past. Also by knowing about the dates of important events in history of different civilizations and cultures a comparative study of important historical events can be done.

What is history all about?

History is all about the past, events, objects, people and most importantly dates.

What are important dates of Illinois history?

Here is an important date in Illinois history. Illinois became a state on December 3rd,1818. In 1717 Illinois joined the French colony of Louisiana.

How can you remember history better?

I will tell you how I do it and maybe it will work for you. I picture a time line in my head and then put important dates on my time line. These are major dates for major events such as 1789 the Constitution is signed, April 12, 1861 the civil war starts. I only put major dates and then when I want to think of events I use the dates as an anchor. I think the date and use other dates on my line to place an event. I also look for interesting little facts about events and people in history. History comes alive this way and I learn the truth in history because history is full of myths.

Who made dates in history com?

No one made the dates, but they put down dates of events that have happened. There is a timeline to history and knowing the timeline helps connect how people,places, and things were made or developed. Once you know that history is easy.

What two dates contributed to the downfall of the mighty roman empire?

You need to explain how you think that dates can contribute to the fall of an empire. It is events, not dates that contribute to history.

Can you give us dates and events on the history of Jewish persecution?

Yes. See the attached Related Link.

Dates for judaism?