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There are currently over 130 different merit badges which can be earned through the Boy Scouts of America. Some of these badges include animal science, crime prevention, and fire safety.

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Q: What are some of the Merit badges of the Boy Scouts of America?
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How many merit badges are required for Eagle Scout?

As of October 2012 there are 130 merit badges offered. This is an unusually high number as they historically have sought to keep the number around 100, retiring some when introducing new ones. For a list of them with links to the requirements see the related link.

What is the funnest merit badges?

Some of the funnest merit badges would be Fishing Leatherwork Rifle Shooting and WILDERNESS SURVIVAL.

What are some of the requirements for obtaining a camping merit badge with the Boy Scouts of America?

To be able to receive a camping merit badge with the Boy Scouts of America, the boy scout must be able to set up a camp site, be able to start a fire, and be able to survive overnight in the woods.

What goes on the Boy Scouts sash besides merit badges?

The main purpose of the sash is to display merit badges. These are attached in rows of three in no particular order. Many just attach them in the order they were earned. Some attach the required badges for Eagle down one border - usually the right. If additional space is needed merit badges may also be attached to the back of the sash. Venture and Varsity scouts may attach a venture/ Varsity letter in the lower front corner. Temporary patches may also be attached to the back of the sash. A sash pin may be worn to keep the sash in place.

Do Boy Scout merit badges go in a certain order?

If you are referring to the order in which they should be placed on the merit badge sash, the answer, is no, there is no official order. Some scouts place all of the Eagle-required badges on the inside column, so they are closer to the heart. Others place them in the order in which they were earned. I don't believe there is any "correct" way to do it.

What sportsday events are merit badges given as rewards?

There are many sportsday events that give merit badges as rewards. Some of the best places where one could earn merit badges as rewards would be sports events like American football games.

Do you have to do Scout badges with Scouts?

No, there is no requirement to do badges. In fact, no merit badges are required for the first 4 ranks. If one enjoys being a scout but does not wish to progress any further in rank than First Class he can just enjoy the program and not earn any badges. Some badges are typically earned as part of the scouting activities so a scout who is participating regularly would probably not have to do a badge in his own until fairly high in the program.

What do you get to do at boy scouts?

The great thing about Boy Scouts is that it is entirely up to the scouts what they want to do. Scouts work through their patrol leader to decide on what activities they will do. Some common examples are camping, hiking, backpacking, community service projects, canoeing, rock climbing. The list of possibilities is really endless, subject to some restrictions on dangerous activities. Most troops also attend summer camp, where they can do many outdoor activities and work on merit badges (see related link).

What is the merit badge awarded by most Boy Scouts?

Fly Fishing is the least earned overall, with only 7,458 total earned. In 2007, American Business was only earned by 539 people. As for unusual or peculiar, they had some pretty weird ones that were discontinued. Including Master-At-Arms, Nut Culture, and Taxidermy.

When did the Boy Scouts of America make a contribution to environmental science?

Every day some boy scout group is out there helping the environment.

Do the Boy Scouts give out an award for outstanding leadership qualities?

The boy scouts give out many awards. Some are simple patches and badges. The boy scouts also value leadership as well as personal growth. They have nomination forms for scouts with leadership qualities.

What are some duties of the Boy Scouts?

Duty to God Duty to others Duty to self