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Q: What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using electron microscopy?
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Are cells discovered using electron microscopes?

Cell are not discovered using electron microscopes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dissecting microscope?

Advantages - 1) there are 2 eyepieces which means you don't have to strain your eyes so much and makes it easier to focus on the object you are looking at. 2) objects can be looked at in 3D which makes it easier and more interesting to assess the object. 3) it is able to magnify so closely that you can see objects that cannot be seen using other microscopes. Disadvantages compared to current miscroscopes: None.

What does microscope?

I don't understand your question: "What does microscope?" A microscope is an instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked or unaided eye The science of investigating small objects using such an instrument is called microscopy. The term microscopy means very small, unable to be seen with an unaided eye.

What are the advantages of using high-power objective What are the disadvantages?

The Advantages A high-power objective lens is that it provides the most magnification possible with most standard, monocular (single) eyepiece microscopes. It is what's required to provide the most magnification -- that is, to get as close as possible to the specimen being examined. The Disadvantages The field of view decreases which means you see less of what you're observing. Also, what you're observing can turn out unfocused and sort of blurry.

What are the advantages of using a microscope?

We can see the microorganisms

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Smaller characteristics of specimens might be seen using electron microscopy to view a dried nonliving specimen. The electron microscope is used to view specimens in great detail.

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Norovirus from fecal samples can be visualized using electron microscopy. With immune electron microscopy (IEM), antibodies against norovirus are collected from blood serum and used to trap and visualize the virus from fecal samples.

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can be used to detect and identify viral particles that have too low concentration to be detected using conventional electron microscopy. binding of antibodies to the viral particles makes them easier to detect.

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