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Some of the symptoms of acid reflux are a heart burn, if left untreated could leave to Barett's esophagus, which is a precursor of cancer. Chest pain which occurs because of the stomach acid splashing into the esophagus. The pain worsens when you rest, where your stomach acid is likely to escape into the esophagus. Post-meal pain, is after you eat a meal you'll start to feel pain.Bitter taste, sometimes when the stomach acid escapes into your esophagus and into your mouth, you can tase something bitter.Hoarseness, when your voice starts to crack because of an oncoming cold but can be another heartburn symptom.

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Q: What are some of the causes of acid reflux?
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Acid Reflux

What causes acid reflux?

What Causes Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD) Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (muscular valve) doesn't properly close allowing acid from the stomach to reflux back up the esophagus which can cause burning of the esophageal lining. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND VIDEO GO TO:

Where is the pain located with acid reflux?

The throat. The stomach acid reluxes into the throat and the acid causes burning.

Acid reflux diet and how to help the problem?

Well, one thing you need to do in order to have treatment is to quit drinking caffeine drinks. This is the worst problem that causes you to have acid reflux. You can also take some medication for it.

Do acid reflux makes you spit all the time?

Acid reflux causes heartburn and discomfort in the esophagus. Spitting up could happen due to excessive post nasal drip, burning throat or bile reflux.

How do you say acid reflux in french?

"acid reflux" is "reflux gastrique" in French.

Can you have kids if you have acid reflux?

Does acid reflux contribute to sterility? No. But if you have kids, their behaviour can contribute to acid reflux.

What are some diet plans for acid reflux?

There is a diet for people with acid reflux, or at least dietary restrictions. People with reflux find some relief when they avoid acidic foods, coffee, and carbonated beverages.

Is Chocolate really a food that causes acid reflux?

Does chocolate soymilk affect acid reflux? Soymilk, like dairy milk, is basic, and will neutralize stomach acid to some extent. It's possible that soymilk would relieve discomfort associated with acid reflux, however, it will not treat the underlying cause of too much acid being produced. Talk to a doctor for treatment options.

How can acid reflux be treated or cured?

yes, acid reflux can be treated. I prevent my acid reflux with Gaviscon and stop the pain after feeling it with prevacid. I do not believe acid reflux can be completely cured but it can be very well controlled.

Is bleach causes acid reflux?

Well, bleach should not be in any drink so techically, no.

Does acid reflux cause high blood pressure?

if it causes pain and anxiety then yes it can... otherwise no.