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The causes of nodular acne in a person are caused by over production of sebum in the body, bacterial buildup, hormonal imbalances and dead skin getting clogged in pores.

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Q: What are some of the causes of nodular acne in a person?
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What are some of the causes of adult acne?

The things that women go through like menopause and pregnancy can cause acne in adults. The type of makeup that is used on the skin can cause adult acne. Some medicine can cause acne in adults and it can also be hereditary.

What causes adult acne?

Women are much more likely than men to have acne in their 20s, 30s, 40s. Some doctors say it's because of cosmetic use and birth control pills.

What causes nodular amyloidosis under the skin?

Some researchers have found cases that appear to develop in a cancer-like way, and others in more of an infectious-type process.

What is acne vulgais?

Acne Vulgaris or Acne as it is more commonly known, is an infection of the skins' pores that causes them to become inflammed and red, possibly with puss. There are many different types of acne including blackheads, whiteheads, and cystic acne. Acne occurs mist often in teenagers but can continue into adult life in some cases.

I just got diagnosed with nodular acne and am going to take Acutane I can't get any makeup to cover the redness what helps?

Put some ice on your pimples (not directly though, through a towel or something. Also, take some ibuprofen and use some lemon juice or toothpaste on them for over night.

Why are these people in particular affected by acne?

Pretty much everyone is affected by acne at some time in their life (2% of people are never affected by acne). But people with dark hair, oily skin, who don't exercise and eat lots of junk food are considered the most likely to have acne is larger quantities.

What really means the perihilar areas with some nodular densities?

my daugther chest xray found that her chest xray results that there are densities in the perihilar areas with some nodular densities within. and it consider a primary koch's infection

How can a person seek attention for help with controlling their acne?

A person may seek attention for help in controlling their acne by first visiting their family doctor. The doctor will then set up an appointment with a dermatologist if required or recommend some over the counter treatments. A dermatologist will evaluate the acne and prescribe a treatment plan.

Causes and Prevention of Back Acne?

Back acne is a condition usually found on a teenager’s skin and starts within the first years of puberty although anyone can experience it. This condition, embarrassing as it is, is highly preventable and sometimes, even curable with the advances that technology has brought to the skin care world. Back acne, while it has numerous causes, sometimes it is genetic and the person with the back acne must endure, no matter what the treatment pursued is.What are the Different Causes?The causes of back acne are numerous; however, in each case it is because the sebaceous glands were either overproducing oils blocked in some way. For example, a genetic pre-disposition to acne will help these glands over secrete their oils and the pores build up and become blocked no matter how much a person washes or treats the problem. The glands essentially program themselves to become over produce the oils and become clogged.However, a diet rich in caffeine, processed foods and oils, among other foods, can also program the glands to overproduce the natural oils as well. Many foods are linked with the overproduction of the sebaceous gland oils, which in turn allows the pored to become clogged. The clogging of the pores is what produces the acne. Because the clogged pores no longer secrete oils and other toxins, they become trapped under the skin, swelling and becoming pus filled at times. The soaps a person uses can also trigger the overproduction of acne as well. Because the skin on a person’s back is thicker than that of the face, this acne tends to be more serious.Back Acne PreventionWashing regularly is one good way to prevent back acne, although over washing will tend to irritate acne already present. When a person over washes the skin, it triggers the glands to produce even more oils than they did before, thus clogging the pores again. Because tight fitting clothing can irritate the skin, combined with sweating and natural oil secretion that produces the clogged pores and the acne, a person should wear loose fitting clothing. While this will not entirely prevent back acne, it can reduce the number or severity of the breakouts.Avoiding food that are processed or high in caffeine such as colas and chocolates or coffee can also help reduce the severity and frequency of back acne breakouts. For some people, these foods are the only cause of back acne and reducing the consumption of these foods can eliminate the breakouts completely.

Are humans the only ones to get acne?

No, some other animal do get acne

What are some acne treatment products?

Some acne treatment products, which should actually work, can be found at the Mayo Clinic, which has also a webpage. The company Neutrogena has also some acne treatment products.

Does laser on acne really work?

Yes, laser treatments can be effective in treating acne. They work by targeting the bacteria that causes acne and reducing inflammation. However, results may vary depending on the severity of the acne and the type of laser used. It's important to consult with a dermatologist to determine if laser treatment is the right option for you.