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Q: What are some of the characteristics that made Civil War prisons so horrific?
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What were some characteristics of US Civil War prisons that made them so horrific?

The sheer overcrowding.From March 1864, the system of prisoner-exchange had been ended by Grant, who saw that the Confederates were running out of manpower.In the South, where troops and civilians alike were on strict rations by this time, the Union prisoners were bottom of the food-chain.At Andersonville, Georgia, the privations led to gang warfare, murder and even cannibalism. The camp governor was eventually hanged for allowing things to get as bad as this.

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The most horrific movie ever made is "Paranormal Activity 2".

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California Department of Prisons.

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Toilets are made from clay and water that is heated and molded to form a ceramic porcelain. Ceramic porcelain was chosen because of its characteristics such as sturdiness, cheapness and durability.

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They're made in one of Ohio's prisons.

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In prisons all over the united states.

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The reason Gettysburg was so horrific, was the fact that about 24,000 Americans died. That's more than all the dead from the Iraq war. Yet Gettysburg was only a battle.

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World War I was not more horrific than any other war. Some would say World War II was though.

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the characteristics of human made is to limited species diversity.