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The most common religion in the South is Christianity(almost all denominations), particularly Southern Baptist. In certain parts of FL,GA and NC you can also find large Jewish communities.

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Common religions in the southeast US include Christianity (Baptist, Methodist, and Evangelical Protestant denominations), Catholicism, and some communities of Judaism and Islam. There is also a growing presence of other faiths including Hinduism and Buddhism.

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Q: What are some of the common religions in the southeast US religion?
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What religion or religions start with an N?

Some religions that start with the letter "N" include Native American religions and New Age spirituality.

What are the beliefs of the religion?

Beliefs of a religion typically include concepts about the nature of a higher power, the creation of the world, moral principles, guidelines for behavior, the afterlife, and the purpose of human existence. These beliefs often serve as a foundation for the practices and rituals observed by followers of the religion.

What is main religion in ibadan nigeria?

The main religions in Ibadan, Nigeria are Christianity and Islam. These two religions have a significant presence in the city, with a mix of followers from different denominations and sects. Traditional African religions also hold influence in some communities in Ibadan.

What religion practices polytheism?

Many religions practice or practiced polytheism, including the ancient Greek religion (which is still practiced today), the ancient Roman religion (mostly based on the Greek religion), and many indigenous religions.

What religions are taught in schools?

In public schools in the United States, religion is generally not taught as a part of the curriculum to avoid promoting or favoring any specific religion. However, in countries with different education systems, a variety of religions may be taught, with the focus often depending on the dominant religion or cultural context of the region. Some private schools or religious schools may offer education on specific faith traditions.

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Christianity and Islam are the most common religions in Ethiopia, but there might be some Jewish people too. Christianity has been in Ethiopia longer than Islam.

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If you say "this religion", you need to specify what religion you are talking about.

What are your region bielife if you are Hindu?

Hinduism is not a religion. It is a dharma. It consists of a group of religions which follow same methods of worship while worshiping god. So every religion will have some common belifes and some different belifes

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Some branches of the Hindu religion are Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Srauta, and Vedic religions.

Is religion just man trying to figure out why he is on this earth?

In some religions how man became a part of earth is part of the religion. There are many different things in different religions. Basically a religion is what you believe and how you live.

Can you excommunicate gay people?

It depends on the religion. Some religions don't even have excommunication.

Are Sikhs strict about religion?

As in all religions, some sikhs are strict, some arent

What are some of the religion's of Buddhism?

Some of the SECTS of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan, and Zen Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion, and therefor it has no "religions".

Is it true that some religions require you to wear a tail?

There may be an unusual sect of some religion that practices this, but no mainstream religion has that as a requirement.

Is shintoism a universalizing or ethnic religion?

Shamanism is not a religion. It is a anthropological description of many religions that have some traits in common such as people who go into trance states and communicate or traveling or guide souls in or heal with the spirit world. There are many differences within each religion and to lump them together is to devalue their true meaning to the believers of these religions. They are not universalizing religions although as almost all religions they make universal claims about the nature of reality as they see it. Its more of a Ethnic religion that tried to link the spiritual realm with the physical world, so then that makes it also universalizing. Its both actually, but more of a ethnic religion.