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Q: What are some of the examples of hallucinations?
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Some patients have reported hallucinations and confusion following the use of doxycycline.

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What are some examples of psychotropics?

There are three categories of Psychotropics - Antipsychotic Medication, Antidepressants and Antianxiety Drugs. Antipsychotic Medication generally treat symptoms of hallucinations, examples for this kind of drug are Haldol and Thorazine. Prozac and Lexapro belong to the group of Antidepressants and treat depressions. Examples for the last group Antianxiety Drugs are Serax and Valium.

What is the prognosis for patients with hallucinations?

In many cases, chronic hallucinations caused by schizophrenia or some other mental illness can be controlled by medication. If hallucinations persist, psychosocial therapy can be helpful in teaching the patient the coping skills to deal with them

What are psychotic symptoms?

A psychotic symptom is a symptom that involves misunderstanding the nature of reality. Examples of psychotic symptoms include delusions and hallucinations.

Which condition includes a sense perception that has no basis in external stimulation?

This is called a hallucination, of which there may be multiple types. Some examples of what they could be include visual, olfactory, auditory, command, and tactile hallucinations.

What are some different examples of psychotropics?

There are three categories of Psychotropics - Antipsychotic Medication, Antidepressants and Antianxiety Drugs. Antipsychotic Medication generally treat symptoms of hallucinations, examples for this kind of drug are Haldol and Thorazine. Prozac and Lexapro belong to the group of Antidepressants and treat depressions. Examples for the last group Antianxiety Drugs are Serax and Valium.

Are hallucinations real?

No, that's why they are called hallucinations!

Can UTIs cause hallucinations?

If a high fever is present, the fever causes the hallucinations, not the UTI.

What is the significance of hallucinations?

That something has scrambled some brain chemistry. They have no significance outside of that.

Can you see evidence of hallucinations on MRI results?

you can not see evidence of hallucinations but you can see what may be causing and provoking hallucinations such as a tumor.