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In reality there are no issue between Creationism and Evolution. Creationism is based on Supernatural and Evolution is based on Natural laws. Conflict arises when one side tries to discredit the other side.

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The Theory of Evolution does not necessarily replace belief in God, but it does offer an explanation for how present lifeforms could arise if there is no God. Because of this, some Christians fear the widespread acceptance of evolution because it no longer essential for reasoning people to believe in a Creator. This fear has led to a variety of creationist arguments that attempt to disprove the facts of evolution. Nevertheless, the major religions accept the reality of evolution and the teachings of science.

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The two most widely-known are the tradition of Creation, and the theory of Evolution. According to Evolution, life developed by random processes, especially mutations.

The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists and we are therefore responsible to Him, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that any morals are man-made, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.

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Is there evidence against Evolution

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Q: What are some of the issues that separate creationism from evolution?
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Why do some believe creationists are so dumb?

Because every argument they make in support of creationism / denial of evolution is demonstrably false.

What are the differences and similarities between creationism intelligent design and evolution?

The first two say "gee - it's so complicated somebody must have planed it" along with the extra ego trip that says that we're pretty special. Evolution says that one single rule can generate complexity from simplicity. (The rule is let the weak weed themselves out - we call it death.) Forget the God argument ... He could have invented evolution too. In fact, it would take a superior sort of entity to do do so.

What is creationism vs evolution?

This debate has been going on for a long time: Some people believe that we were made by a higher being, others believe that we evolved from primates. It depends on what your perspective (view) is.

What is the difference between god's creation and evolution?

Creationism says that God or gods created the Earth and all life upon it. Prior to modern science, most religions taught some variation of this idea. The Theory of Evolution argues that the "design" of life developed gradually over time, as a result of environmental pressure and competition between species. Currently, all known scientific evidence supports the Theory of Evolution, and no evidence for Creationism has ever been found. Many religious people accept the Theory of Evolution, but believe that God foresaw the appearance of modern humans.

What is an example of evolution vs creationism?

Evolution believes that life was formed from nutrients at the bottom of oceans around volcanic pillars a few billion years ago, then evolved into the creatures we are today over billion of years.

Related questions

Why do some believe creationists are so dumb?

Because every argument they make in support of creationism / denial of evolution is demonstrably false.

What are the differences and similarities between creationism intelligent design and evolution?

The first two say "gee - it's so complicated somebody must have planed it" along with the extra ego trip that says that we're pretty special. Evolution says that one single rule can generate complexity from simplicity. (The rule is let the weak weed themselves out - we call it death.) Forget the God argument ... He could have invented evolution too. In fact, it would take a superior sort of entity to do do so.

What is creationism vs evolution?

This debate has been going on for a long time: Some people believe that we were made by a higher being, others believe that we evolved from primates. It depends on what your perspective (view) is.

What is the difference between god's creation and evolution?

Creationism says that God or gods created the Earth and all life upon it. Prior to modern science, most religions taught some variation of this idea. The Theory of Evolution argues that the "design" of life developed gradually over time, as a result of environmental pressure and competition between species. Currently, all known scientific evidence supports the Theory of Evolution, and no evidence for Creationism has ever been found. Many religious people accept the Theory of Evolution, but believe that God foresaw the appearance of modern humans.

Whay is creationism?

AnswerCreationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in some form by a supernatural being or beings. Basically the foolish belief a god(s) created the universe/Earth etc. This usually refers to Christian creationism in Genesis.There is no proof for any of the creation myths and the facts support Evolution and the Big Bang.

What is an example of evolution vs creationism?

Evolution believes that life was formed from nutrients at the bottom of oceans around volcanic pillars a few billion years ago, then evolved into the creatures we are today over billion of years.

What are facts about creationism?

In creation God created the heavens and the earth. Some people believe in evolution but think about it. Do you believe earth was made because of random disorders or because something bigger than us with power created it?

Are faith and science contradictory?

They need not be contradictory. If you believe that God formed our world slowly through old-Earth Creationism, or if you scientifically determine that young-Earth Creationism is the most logical origin for the universe, your belief in God and your scientific knowledge can actually support each other. Many think that science, and specifically Evolution, have proved that there is no God. They don't comprehend that even if Evolution was an unquestionable fact, it would not automatically follow that God isn't there. They also may be unaware that there are some highly-qualified scientists who do not believe in Evolution.

Does Evolution have to be conflicted?

If you are referring to the theory of evolution in terms of how it is believed to work in practice then yes, there is conflict. 'Nature red in tooth and claw' is an analogy used to describe the practical implications and operation of 'survival of the fittest.' There is seen to be, in the operation of natural selection, a struggle for survival in which the 'most fit' survive. This conflict is seen as necessary for evolution to progress.If you are referring to conflict between the theory of evolution and those who believe in either young-earth Biblical creation or Intelligent Design, then yes, there is also conflict here. This arises because the science of evolution contradicts the religious interpretation of some groups.If you are referring to the conflict between some facts of science and the theory of evolution, then this is perfectly explained by such facts being misinterpeted to suggest evolution is incorrect or impossible. This conflict arises from the above.If you are referring to the conflict within evolutionary science itself: this conflict is not over the fact that evolution occurs - this is accepted by almost all of the scientific community - but on how it occurs; for example, between gradual evolution and punctuated equilibrium, or between different opinions on the classification of certain species.

Why does learning different things like creationism and evolution lead to conflict?

Evolution is and has been accepted science for decades. Creationism is a fairly new approach to an old claim.This leads to conflict for several reasons.The first and primary one is that each contradicts the other, as a matter of definition. Evolution implies an old earth, and that species developed from simpler other species on their own through natural selection; creationism is varyingly the position that a deity created all of existence a short time ago.The second cause is what should be taught where; if evolution is science and creationism is not (the view currenlty held by scientific and legal communities) then only evolution and not creationism should be taught as science. Accordingly, creationism should be presented in religious classes, as it is based on religious belief.The third is that some groups see evolution - amongst other science - to be a root cause of failing morality in modern society. The reasoning is that if science, and the assumed accompanying atheist thought, is given a religious spin, this fall in morality can be arrested and reversed. Naturally, the religious spin must be Christianity in some areas and Islam in others (these being the only religions with dominance in countries).

What is Old Earth creationism?

Old-earth creationism is a form of creationism opposite to young-earth creationism. The central tenet of old-earth creationism is that the Earth is as old as scientific evidence says it is, at around 4.5 billion years. Old-earth creationism comes in three main forms but the main goal is to reconcile the authority of the Bible with the relatively new authority of modern science. It has become increasingly popular amongst Christianity over the past century as accumulating scientific evidence forced many churches to reconsider their previous interpretation of Genesis. Old-earth creationism and evolution is accepted by the Catholic Church as well as many mainstream Protestant churches.All old-earth creationists accept that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and the Universe about 13.7, but have varying views on the specific development of the Earth and life. These are the three main views.Progressive creation: God developed the Universe, Earth, and life through divine acts over millions to billions of years, allowing some forms of evolution to occur, but directly intervening to create new life at key points in Earth's history. Purely naturalistic evolution cannot account for the complexity and diversity of life.Theistic evolution: Acceptance that evolution is the process by which life developed, but that God was a guiding force in this process. Through evolution God let all forms of life appear over time.Gap creation: This view is based on the belief that there is a "gap" in time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Earth is as old as science says it is, but was destroyed at one point by God, only to be recreated in six, 24-hour days. This belief is much less popular than it once was.The opposing view is young-earth creationism, which is based on a literal interpretation of Genesis and believes that the Earth is only around 6,000 years old.

Why creationism shouldn't be taught in school?

Creationism can and should be taught in a sociology classroom setting, but not in a science classroom like some people want it to be. The reason for this is that creationism is not a scientific theory or even principle, it's part of cultural mythology.