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Q: What are some of the major reasons for the decline in communal living in Fiji?
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What are the major reasons for the decline in communal living in the pacific?

The major decline of pacific communal are pass on from one parents to the next generation. The adopted values that they pass, whether they learn it from the traditional culture; the value, ways of behaviour, or they learn it from the western culture. Remember its about give and take.

What are the major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific?

i think, it is probably due to westernization,cultural explotation,social changes and the improved economic infrastrsucture.

What are the major reason for the decline in communal life in the pacific?

i think, it is probably due to westernization,cultural explotation,social changes and the improved economic infrastrsucture.

What are four major advances in early culture?

Development of farming. Cooperative living. Bartering. Grouping for communal protection.

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What are the biggest reasons that bushmeat is traded and constumed?

Although habitat loss is a major cause of wildlife decline, the most immediate threat to and around the world is the illegal trade and consumption of "bushmeat".

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The Four advances of early culture are control of fire, invention of tools, the beginnings of agriculture, and the development of civilization.

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political corruption and the instability of the goverment

Why did agriculture and trade decline in the fourth century?

There were several reasons for the decline of agriculture and trade in the fourth century. One major factor was the economic instability caused by the decline of the Roman Empire and the subsequent invasions and political turmoil. Additionally, climate changes, such as the cooling trend known as the "Little Ice Age," negatively impacted agricultural productivity. Trade routes were also disrupted by the invasions and the collapse of Roman infrastructure, leading to a decline in long-distance trade.

When did Elvis health decline?

Elvis' health declined for two main reasons. First and foremost his drug addictions caused several major, chronic health problems. Secondly his eating habits were probably as bad as they could have been. These two reasons combined to cause a steady decline in his health, accompained by painful symptoms, ie, colon impaction, etc. This process started as early as 1961, and became completely out of control by 1973/74.

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The major industries in Australia is mining, aviation and information and technology. The manufacturing industry was once major, but has started to decline.

Why did people chose to live together in Neolithic settlements?

People chose to live together in Neolithic settlements for several reasons. One major reason was for safety and security from external threats. Living together in close proximity allowed for communal defense against predators and rival groups. Additionally, living together facilitated the sharing of resources and knowledge, which was essential for survival and the development of early agricultural practices.