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Q: What are some of the methods that used to improve growing conditions for the crops?
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How did climate changes toward the end of the last ice age improve conditions necessary to grow crops?

The temperatures went up and the growing season was increased

Which materials do chemists research to improve agricultural crops?

An incredible amount of different things. It would be impossible to list them all. Not only chemicals but also ways and methods of growing.

Does bee pollination help in growing healthier crops?

Any kind of cross pollination will improve crops or plants due to a greater variety of genetic information.

What are genetic engineers doing to improve health of crops?

Genetic engineers have devised ways to improve crop yields through eugenics, which refers to hereditary improvements. They have also developed methods to make crops more resistant to pests.

What Percent of the earths surface can you grow crops on?

Approximately 11% of the Earth's surface is suitable for growing crops. This usable land is primarily found in regions with favorable climates, soil conditions, and access to water for irrigation.

Why do post harvest losses vary for different crops?

Because different crops behave differently in the same or different growing/climatic conditions. Losses for oilseed crops are different than cereal crops, for instance.

Why have we developed gm crops?

To increase their resistance to disease and predation. To improve the yield. To allow crops to grow more quickly and in more adverse conditions. To reduce starvation in the world.

What is the solution for farmers with very dry conditions grow their crops?

Irrigation, if there's any water at all. Some methods of irrigation, such as drip tubes, use very little water and can keep the crop growing quite nicely. If there is no water available, then perhaps growing low-water-use species might work.

What are the best growing conditions for a crop?

One condition that is best for growing crops is a lot of rain. Another condition good for growing crops is a warm climate and good soil.

What growing conditions are best for rice crops?

It's good for rice to be in flooded areas at a temp of 70 F (21 C).

Why different crops are growth in different areas?

Different crops require different growing conditions. In some areas, cereal crops (wheat, barley) grow well. Other areas may be better suited to the growing of oats, beans and root crops. The weather and the season, where the crop is to be grown (in the north of Scotland, or in the south of England, can make a huge difference), the soil constituency (loam, sandy, clay) also make growing some crops unsuitable in some areas.

Which soil would be best for growing farm crops?

Prairie soil will be best for growing crops.