

What are some of the sacred texts of Christianity?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Most Protestant Christians accept only one sacred text, the Bible, which is made up of two parts: the Old Testament, which includes historical books (that start with creation and describe up to the Babylonian captivity), poetry, wise proverbs, and prophecy, among other things; and the New Testament, which describes the birth, life, and death of Jesus of Nazareth, who claimed to be the Messiah, as well as the early history of the church he founded and many letters to the churches from its leaders, as well as one book of end-time prophecy.

Catholic Christians accept the Bible (though theirs includes the Apocrypha, a group of books and sections that Protestants do not accept), but they also accept tradition handed down from the church fathers.

Some other groups have additional sacred texts as well. For example, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church) also considers the Book of Mormon and the book Doctrine and Covenants, among others, to be sacred texts, in addition to the Bible.

Christianity's sacred texts are collected together in the Bible.

The Bible is broken in two parts:

  1. The Old Testament - this contains all the sacred texts from the time before Jesus.
  1. The New Testament - this contains all the sacred text from the time of Jesus and immediately thereafter.

In the Protestant Bible, there are 39 sacred texts in the Old Testament. There are also 27 sacred texts in the New Testament.

The Catholic Bible includes all the texts that are found in the Protestant Bible. It also includes an additional seven sacred texts in the Old Testament, plus some additional parts of the other Old Testament texts. These additional Old Testament texts are those that have only been preserved (or originally written) in Greek, whereas the Protestant Bible only includes those sacred texts in its Old Testament that were written in Hebrew or Aramaic.

The only one that I know of is the Bible. Certain denominations have supplementary texts, such as the Mormons or the Christian Scientists.

Only the books of the bible are held sacred by most Christians. They are seen as God's self-revelation to mankind - divinely inspired in some sense. The details differ between denominations, and Catholics and Protestants disagree as to which books should be included, but the essential idea is the same. There is a lot of Christian "sacred writing" - i.e. writing about God or the church, but it isn't fundamentally different from other literature (perhaps useful, but not divine revelation).

Some Christian fringe groups have their own sacred books in addition to the Bible. Mormons, for example, believe the Book of Mormon and Doctrines and Covenants are also inspired by God. Many of these groups have their roots in Christianity and call themselves Christian but are not viewed as such by mainstream churches.

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In terms of sacred texts of Christianity besides the well known bible of sacred texts, here are some: The General Epistle of Barnabas - written by Barnabas, a companion and fellow-preacher with Paul - cited by Origen, Jerome and many of the Ancient Christian Authorities as Holy Scripture; The Shepherd of Hermas, - written by Hermas brother of Pius, bishop of Rome - cited by Irenaeus, Origen, Athanasius as Holy Scripture; The Epistles of Clement - written by Clement, a disciple of Peter - cited by Jerome, Eusibus and Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, as Holy Scripture.

These sacred books containing sacred texts, were publicly read in assemblies of the early church and have been revered as sacred texts since their origin until this day, by Christians who hold them to be sacred.

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