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There are many symptoms associated with a brain tumor. Some of the biggest and most prominent symptoms would be dizziness, vision problems, and clumsiness.

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Q: What are some of the symptoms associated with a brain tumor?
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Can a brain tumor make you dizzy?

yes, some minor symptoms of a brain tumor is dizziness

What are some of the symptoms of a brain tumor?

One common warning sympton of a brain tumor is a persistent headache which will not go away. Other common warning symptoms are blurred vision or muscle spasms.

What are some of the symptoms of having a brain tumor?

The symptoms of a brain tumor are headache or a feeling of pressure in the head, temporary loss of consciousness, confusion or feeling as if in a fog, amnesia, dizziness, ringing in the nauseous or vomiting, and fatigue.

What is the pathology of a meingioma brain tumor?

A meningioma brain tumour is a brain tumour which forms on the meninges which cover and protect the brain and spinal cord. They are slow growing and often show little to no symptoms. Some symptoms may include headaches, seizures and blurred vision.

What are symptoms of brain cancer?

Many symptoms of brain cancer can also be symptoms of many other conditions. But some likely sympotms cna include: Headaches, weakness, siezures, lack of coordination. The only way to know for sure if the symptoms are due to brain cancer is to undergo testing. Brain tumors may have a variety of symptoms ranging from headache to stroke. Different parts of the brain control different functions, so symptoms will vary depending on the tumor's location. Brain tumors are great mimics of other neurological disorders, and many of the common symptoms could indicate other medical conditions. The best way to determine if you or someone you know has a brain tumor is to have a doctor perform a type of brain scan called an MRI or a scan called a CT scan. It is sometimes hard to know whether a CT scan or MRI should be done if someone you know has some of the symptoms and signs noted below, but it is important to know that these studies will usually establish whether a brain tumor is behind them. If you are truly concerned, be sure to discuss your concerns with a physician. Possible symptoms of a brain tumor include: a new seizure in an adult gradual loss of movement or sensation in an arm or leg unsteadiness or imbalance, especially if it is associated with headache loss of vision in one or both eyes, especially if the vision loss is more peripheral double vision, especially if it is associated with headache hearing loss with or without dizziness speech difficulty or gradual onset other symptoms may also include nausea or vomiting that is most severe in the morning, confusion and disorientation, and memory loss.

What are the symptoms of ovarian tumor?

Symptoms of an ovarian tumor are not symptoms of just a tumor. In fact, symptoms may seem the same as other diseases. Low back pain, lack of energy, changes in bowel movements are some symptoms. Symptoms of a tumor will worsen over time. Please see a doctor with any questions.

What are some of the symptoms or warning signs of a brain tumor?

You will most likely get a lot of headaches. Vomitting might also occur, especially in the morning. You may get some mood and/or personality changes and even get seizures.

Can brain tumor cells transit through blood vessels?

Some can, not all. If the tumor contains cells that can it will metastasize.

Is the smell of something burning a symptom of brain tumor?

Your chances of having a brain tumor are slim even though some symptoms are odd smells like something is burning. If it is really bothering you discuss this problem with your family doctor and he will decide if you need to have further testing. Believe it or not some white lilies can smell like smoke or something burning and it can be so strong some people have to get them out of their house and into the garbage.

What are the names of some of the organizations who support people with brain tumors?

There are a wide variety of organizations which have been established to support people with brain tumors. Examples of such companies include the National Brain Tumor Society and the American Brain Tumor Association.

What are signs of a brain tumor?

Some might be headaches, muddled thinking, noticeable curtailments of motor control. Some brain tumors can go asymptomatic for a long time and others may produce more noticeable symptoms. If you suspect such a disorder, you must contact your doctor and request a CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) scan. As the brain is confined in the skull, there is little space. When a brain tumor occurs it makes it tight and tighter. Causing pressure known as raised intracranial pressure (ICP). The early symptoms of a brain tumor include, nausea and headaches. There could be other things that are causing this but if they don't go or get worst after a week it's important to consult your doctor. The later symptom is drowsiness. But can also be blurred vision, so like 'objects float'. Another symptom is seizures. Also a victim of a Brain Tumor may change the personality like becoming more violent.

How to Identify and Treat a Brain Tumor?

A brain tumor is a mass of abnormal cells located in the brain. Brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Malignant brain tumors can be fatal if not identified and treated early. Symptoms may not appear until the tumor is large, so it is important to know the primary symptoms of a brain tumor and what the options are for treatment. Symptoms can vary, depending on the size and location of the tumor and if it has spread. The most common ones are headaches, seizures, weakness and changes in behavior or mental capacities. Headaches may be accompanied by vomiting They may occur during sleep or get worse with movement. Other symptoms include sleepiness, changes in your senses, memory loss, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness, eye abnormalities and difficulty reading, writing or walking. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as you are able. Your doctor will perform some tests to see if you have a tumor and where it is located. Tests include CT scans or MRIs of the head, cerebral spinal fluid examinations or biopsies. If a brain tumor is diagnosed, your doctor will give you options for treatment, with the goal to remove as many cancerous cells as possible. Surgery is often the primary course of action, as it serves as the quickest way to remove the tumor or at least decrease the size. However, sometimes the tumor may be unable to be removed. In these cases, radiation therapy can be used. Radiation aims to kill cancerous cells wihtout harming the normal cells. This is not always possible and therefore many normal cells get killed as well. Fortunately, normal cells are able to repair themsleves from the damage. Even if the radiation does not kill all the tumor cells, it is known to give patients longer survival rates. Radiation is usually not used on children, as it may affect their developing brain. They are given the option of chemotherapy instead. In chemotherapy, patients are given drugs specifically designed to kill tumors. Chemotherapy is not the preferred option of treatment, as it is not as effective, can be toxic and has many side efefcts.