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Some might be headaches, muddled thinking, noticeable curtailments of motor control. Some brain tumors can go asymptomatic for a long time and others may produce more noticeable symptoms. If you suspect such a disorder, you must contact your doctor and request a CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) scan.

As the brain is confined in the skull, there is little space. When a brain tumor occurs it makes it tight and tighter. Causing pressure known as raised intracranial pressure (ICP).

The early symptoms of a brain tumor include, nausea and headaches. There could be other things that are causing this but if they don't go or get worst after a week it's important to consult your doctor.

The later symptom is drowsiness. But can also be blurred vision, so like 'objects float'.

Another symptom is seizures. Also a victim of a Brain Tumor may change the personality like becoming more violent.

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How do you now if you have a brain tumer?

People with a brain tumor may experience the following symptoms or signs. Sometimes, people with a brain tumor do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be caused by a medical condition that is not a brain tumor.

Are persistent headaches and seizures brain tumor symptoms?

Seizures can be a definite sign, particularly if they are a new symptom. Headaches can be caused by a tumor, but most people with headaches do not have a tumor. However, persistent headaches that are worst in the morning, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, or that cause double vision can be signs of a brain tumor.

Can having Brain Tumors mimic pregnancy symptoms?

yes, I have atumor in the pitutary gland, that controls all of your main hormones. I often have signs of pregnancy. i would go to the doctor if you are having any other signs of a brain tumor such as headaches. yes, I have atumor in the pitutary gland, that controls all of your main hormones. I often have signs of pregnancy. i would go to the doctor if you are having any other signs of a brain tumor such as headaches.

When was Brain Tumor Society created?

Brain Tumor Society was created in 1989.

When was Brain Tumor Foundation created?

Brain Tumor Foundation was created in 1998.

Should a doctor be able to give information on brain tumor symptoms?

Yes if brain tumor or cancers are their specialty then as a doctor they should have a decent if not vast amount of information on brain tumor symptoms and how to cure the brain tumor.

Is brain tumor a serious affect?

Yes, a brain tumor is very serious affect. It can kill you. Most people that develop a brain tumor can die shortly afterwards.

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What is brain tumor?

A brain tumor is a growth in a person's brain from rapidly multiplying cells that can affect the way your brain or nervous system works.

When was American Brain Tumor Association created?

American Brain Tumor Association was created in 1973.

Where was Ted Kennedy's tumor?

His cancerous tumor was inside his brain, which caused a few seizures.

Can a brain tumor make you dizzy?

yes, some minor symptoms of a brain tumor is dizziness