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In the case of the symptoms of alcoholic fatty liver disease include: weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pain, general sense of feeling unwell.

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Q: What are some of the symptoms of alcoholic liver disease?
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What is a common disease from alcoholism?

Cirrhosis (of the liver). See Related links below this box for more information.

What are some of the symptoms of having a fatty liver?

Having a fatty liver is a sign of liver disease. Symptoms include a dull pain in the upper right abdomen, weakness, yellow or jaundiced skin, bloating, high cholesterol and an inability to lose weight.

Symptoms of cirrhosis or liver disease?

What are the symptoms and signs of cirrhosis? Patients with cirrhosis may have few or no symptoms and signs of liver disease. Some of the symptoms may be nonspecific, that is, they don't suggest that the liver is their cause. Some of the more common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include: * Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood * Fatigue * Weakness * Loss of appetite * Itching * Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors by the diseased liver.

How does chewing tobacco effect liver disease?

Tobacco may induce certain cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, thereby increasing the susceptibility of smokers to the potentially hepatotoxic effects of some drugs, including acetaminophen. It may also diminish the liver 's ability to detoxify dangerous substances, and it may affect the dose of medication required to treat a particular liver disease. Furthermore, it may worsen the course of alcoholic liver disease.

What are some of the common symptoms of liver disease?

Symptoms of liver disease in early stages can be fatigue, slight weight loss. In more advanced stadium of the disease the patient may notice their skin gets more yellow, their urine might be dark in color but sometimes there might be no symptoms.

The Two Forms Of Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease is a condition that can occur in the body where the percentage of fat that is normally in the liver is elevated. There are no direct physical symptoms of a fatty liver so patients often live unaware of the condition until it evolves into a more severe liver problem. Certain forms of fatty liver are actually not harmful and do not require any medical attention. The most common ways to diagnose a fatty live is through a blood test, medical imaging to determine inflammation or through a liver biopsy to confirm the fat content of the organ. One of the ways that an individual can develop fatty liver disease is through alcohol or substance abuse. Chronic alcoholism can actually start to destroy parts of the liver. This can combine with some genetic factors that affect the way the liver metabolizes alcohol. The result is a liver that is not functioning correctly and that begins to store fat. Some of the common health problems that affect chronic alcoholics can also contribute to the severity of the disease. These factors can include malnutrition, obesity and lack of exercise. Many people who develop fatty liver disease do not abuse alcohol. This condition is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or non-alcoholic steatohepatisis (NASH). Individuals with these diseases have fat deposits in the liver that kill the cells in the organ. Scar tissue forms where a large number of cells have been killed. This hardening stops the liver from functioning and can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure and potentially death. There is really no treatment for fatty liver disease because it is medically difficult or impossible to physically remove fat from the liver. Patients who have fatty liver disease often have some other contributing issues. Treating problems like diabetes, obesity, poor eating habits and substance abuse can give the liver the chance to heal itself over time. Continuing an unhealthy lifestyle, however, nearly always results in advancement of the disease to the point where liver damage becomes unavoidable and irreversible.

Whats wrong when your liver is swollen?

An enlarged liver can be a symptom of different disease, including, viral hepatitis, liver tumors, cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver cancer. Some other conditions that may cause an enlarged liver are heart failure and gallbladder obstructions. In medical terms, an enlarged liver is known as hepatomegaly.

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Liver Disease Symptoms Everyone Should Know?

The liver plays an especially important role within the body as all blood is filtered by this organ, it creates protein, and it even helps to prevent blood clotting. These functions also makes it susceptible to a wide variety of serious issues including liver disease. As this disease becomes more and more prevalent, it is important for all adults to understand some of the basic warning signs that they could be having issues with their own liver and in need of a comprehensive screening. The Causes of Liver DiseaseWhile symptoms and treatments are especially important, they are always going to depend on the reason for the liver disease. Liver disease is somewhat of a generic term that is used any time that the liver can no longer function normally. Medically, this means that 75 percent of the tissue is damaged or destroyed. While alcohol abuse is the number one cause of liver disease, any time that an excess of toxins or minerals collect within the liver, the cells may become destroyed. Liver disease can also take place if blood no longer reaches the liver or fat develops around the liverPrimary SymptomsOne of the leading issues with diagnosing liver disease is the fact that so many symptoms could be the result of other medical conditions. Some of the primary symptoms and side effects include upper abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice. Weakness and weight loss can also occur as the body is put under a tremendous amount of stress.Secondary SymptomsMuch like the other symptoms, more infrequent symptoms may also point to either liver disease or other medical issues. Some patients will experience issues with bruising easily, erectile dysfunction, general confusion, and impotence. Muscle wasting can take place as well due to the body's limited ability to breakdown protein after liver failure has begun to take place.Liver disease now claims over 31,000 lives every single year within the United States alone. As this disease continues to progress, all adults should educate themselves on some of the most common symptoms that may help them catch this medical condition in the earliest stages.

What does alcohol do to youre liver?

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to three types of liver conditions - fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. You are unlikely to develop these problems if you drink within the recommended safe limits. For all types of liver disease caused by alcohol, the main treatment is to stop drinking completely.

Liver Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment?

Located on the right side of the abdomen and weighing approximately three pounds, the liver's main function is to clean the blood and filter out impurities before they reach the rest of the body. The liver is divided into two sections and works with other organs to absorb, digest and process all ingested substances, such as food, liquids and medications. Liver disease occurs when the liver, for whatever reason, is unable to perform one or more of these vital tasks. There are many different types of liver disease, with varying causes, symptoms and treatments.Types of Liver DiseaseThere are many different types of liver disease, including, but not limited to, the following:Hepatitis A, B and CCirrhosisFatty liver diseaseLiver cancerGilbert's syndromeBudd-Chiari syndromeSymptoms of Liver DiseaseAlthough there are several types of liver disease, they typically present similar symptoms. Some signs and symptoms of liver problems include the following:Pain and swelling of the right side of the abdomenYellowed eyes or skinChronic fatigueDark yellow urineBloody or discolored stoolDecreased appetitesNauseaCauses and Risk Factors of Liver DiseaseAlthough some types of liver damage are hereditary or other wise unpreventable, many can be avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and abstaining from harmful substances and behaviors. For example, drugs and alcohol are common causes of liver disease. The consumption of excess drugs and alcohol can lead to cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, certain types of hepatitis and liver failure. In addition to illicit drugs, certain prescription medications, including antidepressants, pain relievers and antihistamines, can lead to liver damage. Liver disease can also be transmitted through the use of dirty tattoo and piercing equipment, shared hypodermic syringes, blood transfusions, exposure to bodily fluids and unprotected sex.Treatment of Liver DiseaseDepending upon a diagnosis, treatment methods for liver disease can vary. Some liver conditions, such as hepatitis A, go away on their own. Others may be treated with antiviral medications, chemotherapy or radiation, the draining of fluid from the abdomen through the use of a syringe, liver transplant or surgical resection of the liver.

What are some of the symptoms of Grave's disease?

There are many symptoms that could tell someone if they might have Graves disease. Some of these early symptoms are anxiety, irritability and difficulty sleeping.