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Bipolar disorder has two primary states: Depression, which has the two major features of being extremely sad for long periods of time, or anhedonia, which is defined as losing interest in everything that used to be of interest. Depression switches off with periods of mania, where a person becomes obscenely happy, stays awake all night, has big ideas that are beyond normal, and taking risks that wouldn't normally be taken. To be serious enough to be bipolar, these switches must have a large impact in a person's life.

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Q: What are some of the symptoms of being bipolar?
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What are some symptoms of Bipolar disorder?

Some of the possible symptoms of bipolar disorders include a really good mood that changes to bad quickly, difficulty to concentrate and increased "pleasure behaviours." Activities such as sex, shopping or drug abuse are some of the things that people with Bipolar disorder do in excess. Bipolar disorder symptoms are sometimes similar to depression as the two are closely linked.

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Not being able to sit still having irritability issues having symptoms of bipolar deppression.

What symptoms does a manic bipolar person have?

As with all mental illnesses, the symptoms of bipolar mania can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms of mania include high energy, sleeplessness, and euphoria.

What are some possible symptoms of bipolar disorders?

Some of the possible symptoms of bipolar disorders include a really good mood that changes to bad quickly, difficulty to concentrate and increased "pleasure behaviours." Activities such as sex, shopping or drug abuse are some of the things that people with bipolar disorder do in excess. Bipolar disorder symptoms are sometimes similar to depression as the two are closely linked.

What if you think you have bipolar disorder but only experience some of the symptoms are you still bipolar?

It would be necessary to see a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis. There are several subcategories of bipolar disorder, each with differing degrees of severity. Some symptoms of bipolar disorder are also found in other mental illnesses.

What are the symptoms of bipolar syndrome?

Some symptoms of bipolar syndrome are having lots of mood swings and changes. You could go from being very sweet and then in a blink of an eye your whole mood changes for the worst. Sometimes the littlest thing can trigger it and you aren't thinking like yourself.

What are symptoms of Holden caulfield?

Some of his symptoms are depression, bipolar disorder, self-esteem, and post traumatic stress.

What are some symptoms associated with someone who is Bipolar?

Some symptoms associated with someone who is bipolar are serious mood shifts, energy, thinking, and behavior. From the highs of mania on one extreme, to the lows of depression on the other. The mood changes of bipolar disorder are so intense that they interfere with the ability to function.

Can bipolar people have schizophrenic symptoms?

Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia have some symptoms that are quite similar. The main difference between these two is that schizophrenia's characterized by hallucinations and delusions while bipolar disorder is mainly manic behavior followed by periods of depression. Typically, bipolar behaviors are fairly distinguishable from schizophrenia, but there are some rare cases of schizo-affective disorder which is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder where there is a mood component accompanied by schizophrenia. In short, bipolar symptoms can be somewhat similar to schizophrenic symptoms, but unless the individual has schizo-affective disorder the symptoms won't be identical enough to confuse the two disorders with one another.

What do clinical depression and bipolar disorder have in common?

Depression is one of the symptoms of being bipolar. Also known as manic-depressive, the individual alternates between states of manic activity and being depressed.

How can bipolar be misdiagnosed?

Yes I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, then the meds they put me on didn't work so I did some research and found my symptoms were a match for a hormonal imbalance. I took this research to my doctor, and he ran tests, and I was right! It was a hormonal imbalance. I am currently being treated for this instead of bipolar. Its very easy for doctors to make this mistake, as the symptoms of each are very similar.