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One nuclear weapon explosion could ruin the whole planet's Saturday night.

Tornadoes and hurricanes, too.

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Q: What are some of the things that destroy your environment?
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no volcanoes don't help our environment because it can destroy things and its bad when it irrupts

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Some people destroy things to let anger out and think it is funny when then destroy other people's or their things.

What is some things human do to destroy your ecosystem?

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What effect does volcanoes have on the environment?

Volcanoes destroy a lot of things (cars, houses, etc.) and kill a lot of living things but if there are seeds underground they provide excellent fertilizer.

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Living things can respond to the environment surrounding them. They are sensitive to their environment, and they can interact with it. Some living things can change their environment as well.

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everyone destroys the environment in some way. most common way is driving. so, there probably isn't any policies for this..

What are 2 things that harm the environment?

Some things humans do to harm the environment are using disposable water bottles, leaving on lights when they aren't using them, and many other things like... --dummping oil and trash into oceans, Lakes, and Rivers -- and littering

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There are no such thing as aliens but if they are real then they can destroy the us

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How do you destroy a typhoon?

You don't, these things destroy you!