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They might start sneezing they might have a wet tail if it is a small animal or a wet nose for animals like dogs. The animal might seem distressed

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Q: What are some of the ways animals change there behavior when they are cold?
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Because some animals like polar bears are not use to the hot heat so their behavior will obviously change. It works for many other animals!Thanks for reading my answer. It such an absolutely wonderful pleasure.Oh!... and also...FIND ME ON FACEBOOK! lol

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During the cold seasons, some animals eat more to store more calories and then their bodies enter a state of hibernation, whereby their metabolic processes slow to conserve more energy.

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Some animals are, and some are not. Mammals are warm blooded. Reptiles are cold blooded.

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Yes people can be cold blooded....some animals are cold blooded too.

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some do and some dont

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Fish, amphibians and reptiles are cold blooded. Birds and mammals are warm blooded.

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Yes. The animal with the most frequent observations of homosexual behavior are the bonobos of Africa.For more information see Animals Displaying Homosexual Behavior

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All invertebrates are ectothermic (cold-blooded) animals.

Why do some animals change the thickness or colour of their coats according to the season?

It's for survival. Animals that live in cold climates have to grow thicker hair to keep warm in the winter months and then they need to loose that thick hair in the summer when it gets to warm. Also some animals like the weasel and rabbit change to white so they can blend with their surrounds easier because they are prey animals

What animals are in cold places?

There are a lot of animals that live in cold places. Some examples of animals that are adapted to polar temperatures are penguins, polar bears, narwhals, beluga whales, some species of seals, and walruses.

Why some animals difficult to see?

because some animals change its color like a chameleon and other animals