

What are some opinions for the birth control patch?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I love it! Its very effective. The only down side it if you want to get pregnant it takes a good while after you stop using it.

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Q: What are some opinions for the birth control patch?
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Can the birth control patch cause breast enlargement?

Some women will notice increased breast size on hormonal birth control like the patch, pill, or ring. Most women will not have this side effect.

What are some birth control pills that make your period lighter?

In general, all birth control pills, as well as the patch and ring and the Mirena IUD, make your period lighter.

Does the birth control patch make your breast larger?

Yes to some woman others no. I noticed a difference in my breast

What are three types of hormonal birth control?

Birth control pills, Mirena (IUD), NuvaRing, DepoProvera, Implanon and the patch are all hormonal methods of birth control sold in the US. There is another injection available in some other countries, as well.

Do antibiotics for UTIs affect the birth control pill?

The birth control patch has a failure rate of less than 1% when it is used correctly and consistently. The patch may not protect you from pregnancy if you are taking antibiotics or medications for fungal infections or seizures.

What are the side effects of stopping the birth control patch?

The symptoms are exactly the same as if you were not on the patch. You won't have a withdrawal bleed the week you are not wearing the patch. You may feel nausea and even vomit, your breasts may become tender and you may feel bloated.

Is it normal to have very bad pain in your lower belly while wearing the birth control patch?

Some women have mild cramping when first starting hormonal birth control. If you're having very bad pain, contact your health care provider to schedule an exam as soon as possible.

Started period 3rd week of birth control patch?

This is called break through bleeding, it happens to some women when they first begin using any hormonal BC but should stop over the the next 2 cycles. Continue to use the patch as directed.

What does birth control do to your hormones?

Birth control is what is used to prevent unintended pregnancy, there are multiple different types of birth control that work in different ways, it is ignorant to say 'birth control' to mean one specific type of birth control. Without knowing what type of birth control you're referring to we cannot answer your question - some birth control does absolutely nothing to your hormones, some birth control completely shuts down your hormones.

What are some different forms of birth control?

Some different forms of birth control includes birth control pills, morning-after pills, condoms, diaphragms, vasectomy for men, and sterilization for women.

Is it true that the birth control patch has caused some women to have blood clots and have stomach problems?

Yes. Even a 14 yr old has died form blood clots that the patch caused. No idea about stomach problems sorry. The older you are, smoking all increases the risk for all of these.

What does birth control contain?

The typical birth control pill contains both estrogen and progestin. Some birth control pills contain only progestin.