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Q: What are some other names for the Aztecs?
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What were the names of the Aztec people?

The Aztecs

What is one of the names of a tribe that helped Hernan Cortes to defeat the Aztecs?

I only know that they were trying to defeat the Algonquian tribe because of land...and I don't think another tribe was trying to help them. The Aztecs won because of their horses and strong materials. The Aztecs also had neighbors that disliked them, try to find the other tribes around the Aztecs since hernan cortez got help from some of the tribes that were enemies with the Aztecs.

Who was the first people to attack the Aztecs?

In years past, I've read about the answer[s], but cannot recall the names of the tribes, BUT long before the Spanards, the Aztecs were either attacked by, or involved in battles with, other indigenous tribes.

What happened between the Spanish conquistadors and Aztecs and the Incas?

The Spanish invaded the Aztecs Empire. Some Aztecs joined forces with the Spanish. Together, they fought the other Aztecs and tried to overthrow their Aztec emperor, Moctezuma. They had long, hard battles. Diseases spread to the Aztecs and killed many of them. in 1521, the Aztecs surrendered to the Spanish.

What are some other names of cocaine?

Some other names for Cocaine are: Blow, Bump, Coke

What other language did the Aztecs speak?

The Aztecs primarily spoke Nahuatl, which was their native language. However, they also had some knowledge of other languages spoken in Mesoamerica, such as Maya and Mixtec, due to trade and communication with other cultures in the region.

What names do the Aztecs have?

1 girl Aztec was called omixochitl but i dont know any boys names

Did the Aztecs or the Mayas have carved dates and the names of their rulers on stelae?

The mayans

What are the names of 3 ancient civilisations in Mexico?

Mayans, Aztecs & Incas

What are the names of the countries the Aztecs conquered?

Americawhat now i know these things

How did Aztecs kill each other?

The Aztecs killed each other so their crops would grow