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Q: What are some personality traits of Parvana?
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What are some of Parvana's traits?

Brave, and courageous for saving her father.

What bad personality traits that parvana has in parvana's journay?

Parvana can be stubborn and impulsive at times, which leads her to act without thinking things through. She also struggles with feelings of fear and mistrust towards others, which can sometimes make her guarded and distant. Additionally, Parvana can be quick to anger, which causes tension in her relationships with those around her.

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Some personality traits that start with the letter G are:generousgratefulgentlegreedygulliblegenuine

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Personality traits that start with the letter d:daffydecentdecisivedemandingdetermineddevilishdiligentdisagreeablediscreetdishonestdomineeringdull

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Personality traits that begin with Y:youthfulyellow (indicating cowardice)yearning

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