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Moss, lichens, mushrooms, and grass.

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Q: What are some plants in the arctic tundra that are eaten by animals in the arctic tundra?
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Plants and animals are eaten by?


How do animals get carbon?

Animals get carbon by eating plants or algae or other animals that have eaten plants.

Is a penguin a producer consumer or decomposer?

The plants (producers) are needed by consumers who feed by grazing or filter-feeding. Examples include snails, urchins and corals. These consumers in turn will be eaten by other animals such as sea stars. At the top of the food web, there are larger animals (consumers) such as fish, penguins, seals and whales.

What does the arctic food chain look like?

Some animals eats plants, and then are eaten by other animals, which are in turn eaten by other animals. Food chains exist in the water too, with the big fishes eating the little fishes, but the word "terrestrial" implies a food chain on land. YEA!

What special function does arctic moss have?

In the arctic, moss covers the ground and warms it up allowing other plants to grow. It is eaten by migrating animals such as birds. Some type of arctic moss was frozen for thousands of years and is helping scientists learn about life on our planet....

What animals eat Arctic moss?

There are various animals that eat arctic moss. For example, it is eaten by many different kinds of migratory birds.

What animals and plants are in the Arctic?

PlantsCloudberryarctic mossarctic williowcaribou moss (commonly eaten by caribous)labrador teapasque flowerAnimalsArctic FoxArctic HareArctic TernCaribouCollared LemmingDall SheepMusk oxenNarwhalPolar bearsSnowy owlsWalrusWolverine

How does energy from animals come originally from the sun?

Animals get their energy from other animals that have eaten plants or from plants themselves. Plants get their energy to produce sugars from the sun.

Because plants are eaten by animals almost all life on earth is directly or indirectly...?

Because plants are eaten by animals, almost all life on Earth is directly indirectly...

If something can be eaten what is it called?

If something can be eaten, it is called edible. Producers (plants) are eaten by animals called herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores.

Are plants are part of the food chain?

Yes. Smaller animals such as deer or elk eat grass or plants and then they are eaten by larger animals.

Why are there prickers on plants?

prickers are on plants so they don't get eaten by some animals that's there protection