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Q: What are some popular drink flavors?
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Martinis are a very popular drink. Some of the most popular flavored martinis come in the fruity flavors. Others include: Earl Gray; Cosmo Style Pomegranate; Day Fay; and Chocolate martinis.

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They also have French vanilla, green tea, and hazel nut. There are more mild flavors, but these flavors are the most popular flavors out of all of them!

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at least two flavors

What are some flavors of Ben and Jerry's?

Ben & Jerry's is a popular ice-cream brand with a variety of fun and delicious flavors. Some flavors are Americone Dream, Boston Cream Pie, Cannoli, and Cheesecake Brownie.

What are some popular pickle varieties and flavors?

mango pickle,carrot,chilli,lemon etc

What flavors does Trident gum come in?

Trident gum produces a wide variety of different flavors. Some of their most popular flavors are Cinnamon Tingle, Mint, Evergreen and Wild Strawberry.

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There are many varieties of bean dip available on the market. The most popular flavors include traditional as well as a bean dip that includes the addition of queso.

What are some Ruffles potato chip flavors?

There are many Ruffles potato chip flavors. Some of the most popular Ruffles potato chip flavors include cheddar and sour cream, smokehouse style BBQ, and jalapeno ranch flavored chips.

What flavors of jolly ranchers is the most popular?

The most popular flavor of jolly ranchers are the watermelon and apple flavors

What flavors does Christie offer for its Crispers?

Christie crisper cookies come in wide variety of flavors. Some of these include flavors such as rocky road crisper and snickerdoodle crisper. They also have flavours modelled after popular deserts such as tiramisu

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What were the popular flavors of ice cream in 2001?

The most popular flavors included vanilla, chocolate, neapolitan, butter pecan, and chocolate chip